What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

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Realized there was no reason to have MS Excel or another w*rk related program on my task bar, and unpinned them. A tiny victory celebration.

Edit. After posting I saw MS Word and Thomas Bros maps there and unpinned them too. :D
Today, I will spend the day at the ranch. Get a fire going than take a long walk to enjoy nature. Have lunch there and enjoy the day watching wildlife and might do a little pheasant hunting.
In my spare time this afternoon I tried to book a rental car reservation for our next Bonaire dive trip in April/May. We need the car for 34 days but the Delta Car Rental web site will only allow rentals for 30 days. I spent an inordinate amount of time speaking with someone on the phone who supposedly spoke English, just not my dialect. Her recommendation was to book two 17 day reservations.

Uh, no! That negates a heavy discount for the monthly rental rate. I have no more patience for this today so will put it off until Monday. I can go direct with Hertz to reserve for 34 days but I'm not sure if I'll get my SkyMiles properly awarded doing that.
This afternoon I think I finally resolved my rental car issue for next April/May. The resolution might have been apparent to most but I use so few rental cars I chased my tail for too long.

About 10 days ago I followed up and sent an email with my 30 day reservation to the Hertz office on location on Bonaire but still haven't received a response. So much for email this address for any assistance needed with your reservation.

Today I was going to just add a second reservation for the last 4 days so I went into my reservation on the Hertz app to verify dates of my initial reservation. I noticed a link to modify my reservation and thought, what the heck. I was able to add the extra days to the reservation and got an email confirmation with updated pricing. So simple that it escaped me for over a month. This is why I let DGF handle all of our travel arrangements.
Went for a hike looking for bald eagles. Thought I'd see some given the 14° temp. Didn't see any. Came home, cleaned my workshop, did a little work on jewelry boxes I'm making for the grand nieces, and helped DW put up the Christmas tree.
Unpacked after 5 days camping, cleaned and put away all the gear and did boatloads of laundry. Perfect weather.
Drove 160+ miles to Dad's house for turkey, and drove back in the afternoon. Lots of driving. He'll be 89 real soon, so see 'em while you can at that age.
My wife has a much older sister (nearing 80), and I leaned on her for us to go and see her sister Christmas week.
Had an AM dentist appointment (yay, no cavities!) then did a grocery run on the way home. Given the cold weather outside I have no plans to go further than the mailbox until next week.
Today I didn't do much but went and visited a friend that has had a few strokes and is 61 years old. He does well but can't do as much as he once did before the strokes.
I also will be leaving soon to go Ring the Bell for Salvation Army Kettle.
Put a 12' x 20' heavy ish tarp over an existing tubular carport structure. Knew from experience if I just zip tied it on,, the wind would break those things not long after it got going. So I used this Herculine stuff that came with the house. It is a flat line and very tough, So I tied it down with that using every single grommet. Then since it is slippery and does not like to stay tied I taped the ends after I tied them. As I was doing that I though I should just use small zip ties on the ends instead of tape. Maybe later. Took close to 4 hours as it was, and that is enough for 1 day.
Tucked the toy cars away for the winter. The roads have been salted and a bit of snow coming tomorrow night.


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I'm new to the thread but thought it might be fun to start "journaling" by posting here.

I started the day at the grocery store. I normally shop on Wednesday but we're leaving town tomorrow so needed to go today partly because I shop for my mom (94 years old) and partly to stock the house for our daughter who will still be home.

I came home and took care of some ebay business then left for my PCP checkup - all is well. Stopped at the post office to ship a couple of ebay orders.

After lunch we went to my mom's with the groceries and to check in before our trip. Came home and packed. Did takeout for dinner. Now DW and I will watch our nightly TV show. I think it'll be the latest episode of Tracker tonight.
I sometimes can't decide what to have for my major-meal-of-the-day so I spin a nickel on the countertop: heads = option 1 and tails = option 2. The other day I spun a nickel and waited for the result .... N/A. The nickel balanced perfectly on its edge. 😲 I immediately thought of the 2010 movie Inception and wondered when I was going to wake up from this nightmare. :)

I was idly wondering about the probability of this particular event: 1 in 100, 1 in 10k, 1 in 1M, 1 in 1B? If there are any bored ER folks who would like to spin a nickel 10,000 times and inform me of the result I'd much appreciate it. :)
Started putting up the Christmas decorations. Completed Phase 1 of the outdoor lights (porch and carport), and got the 2 artificial trees up. Normally we have one tree, but several years ago I purchased a second one during a 90% After Christmas sale and decided it was time to take it out of the box.
Today we plan to get the tree up and decorated.
We have an "alternative" tree, as DH calls it. Myself and kids all have allergies to pine/fir, so went with artificial years ago.
We recently replaced one and got a smaller table top size, so it doesn't take long to put together.
I love the twinkly lights and baubles!
Our outdoor decorations consist of a string of white cafe lights strung along our big wrap-around porch roof. It's not actually for Christmas, just a way to make the neighborhood a little brighter when darkness comes early. Quite a few neighbors do the same thing, and it really looks nice. We all usually leave them up until Spring.

We usually have a small table top tree inside, with cloth ornaments (we have cats). This year, it is an artificial tree for the first time, which will make cleanup easier. Other than that, we put garlands and stuff on the fireplace mantels, where the cats can't reach it.
Enjoyed a slightly chilly but divine walk around our neighborhood this morning. I love this time of year here! I can wear long sleeves and pants for sun protection and not get overheated. Ahhhh!

I'm trying to learn Spanish and my walk time is perfect for listening to an audiobook and practicing the lessons.
In high gear as sole Santa’s elf making Christmas gifts. Need to make 3 jewelry boxes, 2 toolboxes, a resin infused charcuterie board, 2 knives, 5 leather beer can coozies, and I’m sure I’m forgetting something.
A mundane day, breakfest at greasy spoon, trip to wallyworld for peanut butter etc, home, empty ashes from woodstove, do laundry, hung drying line in basement for towels, below freezing temps no solar dying, I like them rough, cheap full body dermabrasion:) .
Next up maybe go for coffee? Decisisins, decisions.
WInter storm warning for this evening and tomorrow. Will turn on outside lights for the show.
Took out a 4' x 6' x 1" piece of plywood in the shed that was used a a shelf by the prior owner. We thought it was too deep at 4" and not so useful. Thing was way heavy but it is out of there.
On my way to the local park for my morning exercise, something ran across the road in front of me, and I'm pretty sure it was a fox. They're rare in this suburban environment -- haven't seen one for a number of years. I didn't get that good a look at it (just before sunrise) and it could have been a skinny coyote, but the big fluffy tail made me think it was a fox. Absolutely made my morning!
Today I dragged the carpet shampooer up from the basement and cleaned the carpets in the master bedroom and the family room. I had to stop because of the back pain, and I'll do the others in a couple of days after recovering from today.

In the middle of carpet cleaning the UPS guy showed up with my new Nikon D7500 DSLR camera, so I opened the packaging and let everything sit out in their respective plastic wrappings to warm up while I finished the carpets. I did that so there wouldn't be any moisture condensing on sensitive camera parts. It was kind of hard to keep my mitts off the shiny new toys until they warmed up, but at least I could look through the manual. So far everything seems to work as promised, no unpleasant surprises.
Took all of our recycling to the recycling center on the way to go cross country skiing in the desert. Nobody at the trailhead and the only person I passed was a friend that had parked at a different trailhead.
Given the cold weather outside I have no plans to go further than the mailbox until next week.
I'm about 150 miles south of you, and spent almost no time outside today. I went to the (detatched) garage a few times to grab tools, and decided that the damp cold just didn't agree with me.

I pulled the Christmas decorations out of the attic, did some vacuuming up there so as not to drop dirt on the hallway floor, and replaced/tightened some nuts holding together the wooden pull-down stairs. They are less rickety, but still not confidence-inspiring for a 220 pound senior citizen.

If I had an available helper to lift new ones in place, I'd replace them with an aluminum set.
We picked up our Turo rental van this morning, came home and loaded it up, and were on the road to NC by 9:45. Stopped for lunch in MD. Gas stop in VA. Rolled into dinner in NC about 6:45 before checking into our hotel. Longish day but went smoothly except for a jam up around Quantico due to an accident.
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