I took a deep breath and commenced setup of a new laptop. I was dreading it because of the paucity of instructions - a half sheet, no url, not even a QR code. I paused a moment to mourn the glorious manuals that used to come with early computers - glossy paper, thousands of illustrations, spiral bound, sometimes hard cover. (I learn best from paper). But, "progress," so I found the plug, excuse me, cable and adapter, and onwards.
It actually was easier in many ways, much stuff happening without constant pleas for intervention from me. A lot of stuff transferred from my old computer wirelessly. A lot didn't. Now comes the grind. I seem to be signed into virtually nothing, and have to re-sign in, re-grant permissions, re-think permissions, try to remember whether programs were online, local, or both. Have to be careful looking up instructions because so much is out of date.
However, I am using it now.