What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

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yesterday I called the insurance company about our only MYGA, and they are sending out paperwork and the estimates, based on a 5 year annutuization. It matured the 10th. Things are getting real-er.
I had big plans for today. I was going to smoke a brisket, help DW with making Christmas treats to hand out to neighbors, go for a walk, .... I am coming down with something I got from my family. I guess it is my turn. I will just lay in bed and watch UFC, NBA, and maybe a movie.
I went out to the grocery this morning, came home, retrieved my thawing turkey breast from the refrigerator and put it in the brine solution. I will smoke it tomorrow, or maybe Sunday, depending on the weather.

And, yes, the driving was subpar this morning.

Added a drip edge to a couple of blocks. Also cut out handles and plate insertion voids. Makes it easier to to scrape off the block to plate.

Walnut is for wifey, maple is for a soon to be wed friends.
I took a deep breath and commenced setup of a new laptop. I was dreading it because of the paucity of instructions - a half sheet, no url, not even a QR code. I paused a moment to mourn the glorious manuals that used to come with early computers - glossy paper, thousands of illustrations, spiral bound, sometimes hard cover. (I learn best from paper). But, "progress," so I found the plug, excuse me, cable and adapter, and onwards.

It actually was easier in many ways, much stuff happening without constant pleas for intervention from me. A lot of stuff transferred from my old computer wirelessly. A lot didn't. Now comes the grind. I seem to be signed into virtually nothing, and have to re-sign in, re-grant permissions, re-think permissions, try to remember whether programs were online, local, or both. Have to be careful looking up instructions because so much is out of date.

However, I am using it now.
A little late, but on Thursday I reached out to a very distant DNA match, to offer help. In her profile she mentioned looking for her unknown father. By using various sources (DNA matches, trees, obituaries, etc.) I pieced together who her father was...sad ending for him, as well as a son (her half sibling). She has a few relatives she can reach out to now. I'm just standing by, trying to be a kinder AI, and explaining details.

Today is Sunday, so you can tell this sort of task really grips a person.
it was a cold snowy night, needing four wheel drive to favorite dive.
Barbara Blue of Beale street was belting out Blues.
In spite of the cold, I was part of an appreciative mob.
Pretty perfect, actually fabulous, day.

Ran to grocery store in AM to buy several deeply discounted sale items before the holiday food shoppers arrived. Next to beach down the road to meet a group of fellow fast walkers and enjoy four foggy miles along the sand, plus up and down a series of stairs.

Home to clean up, then dress up, for an afternoon ballet performance of The Nutcracker. Everyone there looked so pretty, and the theater had several Christmas trees with standing nutcrackers for picture posing and taking. We had front row seats, and they and the performance were both fantastic.

Dinner after at a terrific restaurant, where on our way out a somewhat tipsy youngish guy told me he loved me. Ha! At 60-something, I'll take it!!!
Took DD, her hubby and the son out for dinner last night. Nice to see the 17 year old boy from time to time. He just got accepted at U of Texas in engineering for next Fall!

Met my circle of friends at 7:00 AM this morning for coffee and whatever. Only a few showed up due to some traveling for the holiday. A homeless guy we see time to time was in Whataburger today to get out of the 38 F weather. We bought him breakfast.
Went skiing at the resort this morning with my better-half. Had a good half-dozen runs, but tourists started swarming around 10:45am, so we left.
Got somethings done at home again, like finally mounting my vise in the garage after a year. I installed all old cupboards and bases in garage when we redone the kitchen a year ago and missed the vise.

After lunch went to a small spring feed lake for an hour or so and caught a 28-inch Pike. He will be excellent meal someday.
Yesterday was quite a busy day around the house, getting ready for our family Christmas with the kids here today. Was supposed to be on the 26th but moved up. Moved the gifts to under the tree, got the smoker out, Prepped the Prime Rib, got the bathroom medicine cabinet hung, built and installed the bathroom door.
We took showers and stayed in the house again last night.
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Added a drip edge to a couple of blocks. Also cut out handles and plate insertion voids. Makes it easier to to scrape off the block to plate.

Walnut is for wifey, maple is for a soon to be wed friends.
I have a thing for some nice walnut, lol. I am an arborist part time for our neighborhood and whenever I come across Walnut...ohh the smells!
Got somethings done at home again, like finally mounting my vise in the garage after a year. I installed all old cupboards and bases in garage when we redone the kitchen a year ago and missed the vise.

After lunch went to a small spring feed lake for an hour or so and caught a 28-inch Pike. He will be excellent meal someday.
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The first thing I did in my garage was 1. Install a Vice 2. Install an air hose reel to a compressor that can be turned on very easily 3. Built out a wall to hold all my tools (I like them fully visible on one single wall so I they are highly available and accessible). 4. Installed a trouble light that has an aux outlet so I could get some reach around the garage. 5. Installed very bright lighting

I think those few upgrades have made me SUPER productive and saved me a bunch of time through the years. Oh, Nice catch! What lake?
Woke up around early AM feeling chilly. Looked at clock, no numbers. Next room a light that comes on if power fails was on. Pulled up covers some more back to sleep.
Some hours later got up still no power. Alllright, get some clothes on, turn off breaker to water heater, go outside to generator. Dang it is cold 28F. Turn on fuel, set choke, turn on ignition switch, pull starting cord. Then a few more pulls and the thing comes to life. Double check gas, full tank.

Go int garage heave transfer switch lever from line to genny.
Go inside get some light on, check furnace, running.
Dig out cellphone, turn off airplane mode call Power Co.. They walk me through some computer voice menu, finally get confirmation number.

System claims I should have power by 10AM.
The cable modem works so long as genny is running.
Meantime got woodstove fired up, will shut off gen set in a while, save gas. Will re-start in an hour or two.

Add Edit:
Power co diagnosed failed transformer on pole.
Couple of guys showed up with bucket truck and transformer.
Replaced 50+ year old transformer.
Alll is well at 9:53 AM local time.
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Cool story with a good ending, I am up at the apartment, missing my family. I have a good weather day and will load and haul and place 150 tons of bank run and hand bed the foundation wall on the house project.
The power goes out frequently here, apparently just long enough to require resetting clocks LOL!
I have not witnessed one of them directly before, but last night it goes out for 30 seconds or so, and back on.
Woke up around early AM feeling chilly. Looked at clock, no numbers. Next room a light that comes on if power fails was on. Pulled up covers some more back to sleep.
Some hours later got up still no power.......

Add Edit:
Power co diagnosed failed transformer on pole.
Couple of guys showed up with bucket truck and transformer.
Replaced 50+ year old transformer.
Alll is well at 9:53 AM local time.

Wow - that's an impressive response time and repair on Christmas Eve!
Having our family Christmas meal and celebration today. DS and DGS (9) came over last night to spend the night. DGS woke up early today and wanted to help put the gifts out around the tree. Now waiting for DD, DSIL, DGS(5) to arrive later.
Ham, corn bread, potato salad, green salad, miso carrots, cardamon butternut squash, chocolate velvet cake and Christmas cookies on the menu.
Christmas Eve celebration is a tribute to DH Swedish family tradition.
Looking to be a great day!
Drove from CT to PA for the holiday. It was a remarkably easy drive today.
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