What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

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I have a thing for some nice walnut, lol. I am an arborist part time for our neighborhood and whenever I come across Walnut...ohh the smells!
Yeah, walnut has a great smell. I'm working on a small kitchen of walnut now... I'll post pics when I get done.
Cooked a tube of Jimmie Dean pork sausage into 8 patties for later. For pressing them I use a plastic hamburger press. I learned that using some wax paper to line it makes for a much neater process. The meat does not stick to the paper nearly as much as to the plastic thing.
Better-half left for Europe with her mom, but we woke up early and went for a quick ski before her flight.
Cooked a tube of Jimmie Dean pork sausage into 8 patties for later. For pressing them I use a plastic hamburger press. I learned that using some wax paper to line it makes for a much neater process. The meat does not stick to the paper nearly as much as to the plastic thing.
the best sausage!
Went to Denny's with a friend to have Christmas lunch. Turkey, gravy, potatoes, veggies, etc. The place was packed and the food was good. Home now to watch the NFL games today.
First solo Christmas in my life. DS and DDIL are with her mother in a small town in Iowa, 2 hours from Des Moines, since she works at a nursing home and gets little time off around Christmas. I know that if I'd mentioned to a few church friends that I'd be alone today I could have gotten an invite but this feels right. DDIL's "official" family celebration will be in January and I'll join them and we all saw each other when the girls were in The Nutcracker the weekend before last.

I've had plenty of loud, lavish family celebrations and I treasure them all but most of the cast of characters have moved away or died. Siblings are in SC- didn't feel like braving the roads with so much highway washed out and only partly repaired. Yesterday's church service was enough celebration for me.

And- a gift from out of the the blue- an article from the MSN news feed about CS Lewis' writings on Christmas that totally fit into my sermon for Sunday. In one essay on Christmas he asks, “Can it really be my duty to buy and receive masses of junk every winter just to help the shopkeepers?”. I "borrowed" a lot from this article, with attribution, and sermon is now in good shape.

Time to clean the kitchen. :)
First solo Christmas in my life. DS and DDIL are with her mother in a small town in Iowa, 2 hours from Des Moines, since she works at a nursing home and gets little time off around Christmas. I know that if I'd mentioned to a few church friends that I'd be alone today I could have gotten an invite but this feels right. DDIL's "official" family celebration will be in January and I'll join them and we all saw each other when the girls were in The Nutcracker the weekend before last.

I've had plenty of loud, lavish family celebrations and I treasure them all but most of the cast of characters have moved away or died. Siblings are in SC- didn't feel like braving the roads with so much highway washed out and only partly repaired. Yesterday's church service was enough celebration for me.

And- a gift from out of the the blue- an article from the MSN news feed about CS Lewis' writings on Christmas that totally fit into my sermon for Sunday. In one essay on Christmas he asks, “Can it really be my duty to buy and receive masses of junk every winter just to help the shopkeepers?”. I "borrowed" a lot from this article, with attribution, and sermon is now in good shape.

Time to clean the kitchen. :)
This was actually my first Christmas alone also. And the friend I met at Denny's, her's too. Time to do some laundry while watching the KC/Steelers game,
Flying solo for the holidays, so went skiing in the morning and ate the pot roast I made yesterday for lunch. The roast took over 9 hours in the slow cooker and it got too late to eat it for dinner last night.
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