What did you do today 2025

Realized yesterday the reason the garage door was so noisy is a missing bolt from one of the top rollers, and the other bolt there was loose. Searched and searched through my random hardware mess, but could not find a carriage bolt to fit. Ended up using a non matching bolt rather than doing a 16 ,mile round trip to buy a bolt. Tighten things up. It works and is not noticeable. Yay.

I need to go do more fun things like Street.
Not much today. I did assemble a new bookcase that DW ordered from Amazon. The hardest part was getting the 80 lb. box from the front of the house to the basement where it was assembled and placed.
herded cats < my framing crew > and got materials, finished welding up the work platform.
I've been building my website (a glorified blog) using my knowledge and all the pictures and videos I've taken on my bike the last few years. Today I created a photo gallery, which was overly ambitious; I was unfortunately reminded from my career days how much work those are, if you want to actually have captions and some quality. On the bright side, I finished my beginner's iMovie course, and editing video is easy with that software and fun -- something my brain should have had space for years ago but didn't.
Sold a big chunk of one stock fund for our living expenses this year, i.e., withdrawing.
Cooked chicken with broccoli. After retirement, I followed YouTube cooking videos to make several common dishes, at the restaurant quality. They have been judged by family members and friends to be better than those at the local restaurants.
Dropped my little dog Birdie off for Playday this morning so I can have a day to myself. He's the guy on the left.

Went to ROMEOs for coffee/breakfast and told stories. The rest of the day until pickup time (5:00 PM) will be spent doing chores.

Playday friend.JPG
Finished up the bookcase install, in this instance anchoring it to the wall at the top so it can't tip over. (It's about five feet tall.) We do occasionally have pint-size relatives visit and although they are well behaved, kids will be kids and they like to climb things. This will avoid having to have an awful conversation with parents if one decides to climb the bookcase.

Also played around with the Nikon Snapbridge app on my Android phone, which gives a measure of remote control over the camera at WiFi distances of about 30 feet or so. It can be a bit erratic and lots of things work differently or not at all depending on the model of camera one is using. The idea is placing it on a tripod, perhaps with strobes, in the back yard to capture the deer munching on the grass where the snow has melted. DW loves those photos.
Fired up my brand new MacBook Air. I like it! Saved $150 at Costco.

My old Mac (someplace in the version 10.XXX) was getting messages to the effect: "As of Jan. 25, this function will no longer be supported." Lots of apps no longer w*rked and even to find a compatible browser was almost impossible. (Safari hadn't w*rked for 2 or 3 years."
Fired up my brand new MacBook Air. I like it! Saved $150 at Costco.

My old Mac (someplace in the version 10.XXX) was getting messages to the effect: "As of Jan. 25, this function will no longer be supported." Lots of apps no longer w*rked and even to find a compatible browser was almost impossible. (Safari hadn't w*rked for 2 or 3 years."
Nice, saving is good. What are you going to do with the $150?
Nice, saving is good. What are you going to do with the $150?
(He said, sheepishly) I bought a Magic Mouse 'cause I'm not a fan of "pads" though I'm slowly adapting. (Heh, heh, actually DW insists on a mouse. I could have adapted.). I also had to buy some adaption cords to use all my USP ported devices.
(He said, sheepishly) I bought a Magic Mouse 'cause I'm not a fan of "pads" though I'm slowly adapting. (Heh, heh, actually DW insists on a mouse. I could have adapted.). I also had to buy some adaption cords to use all my USP ported devices.
I use a mouse as I was never a fan of touch pads.
Fired up my brand new MacBook Air. I like it! Saved $150 at Costco.
I did the same thing after my chromebook fell 2 feet off from an end table onto a carpet floor, detached the screen/broke it. It was open when it fell but still. . . That's the bad news, sort of-

The good news is that I now have my first new apple computer! It's fast with great graphics. ( it was also my first and last chromebook which I didn't love anyway)
Went for an eye exam this morning at Costco (independent eye doctor). This is the first time I used them. They were half the price of the place I had been going for 25 years. I really liked the Costco experience. I paid for the upgrade to have them take pictures of my eyes instead of dilating them . It was a really good experience. It is nice to be able to then order glasses right there at Costco. I had to get progressive lenses for the first time. At least I'll be able to see better.

I came home and ate lunch. I then took the dog for a long walk before the arctic blast hits us tomorrow. My little friend doesn't mind the cold, but -30F wind chill will be rough on me. It will be time to layer up. Whenever I try to cut his walk short, he looks at me with sad eyes asking for just 10 more minutes.
Leveled the dish washer because the door wouldn't shut, apparently the vibrations backed out the feet and it was hanging from the adhesive fasteners that hold it to the granite. The cat was very helpful and supervised me.

This afternoon had my first cardiologist appointment, a clearance exam for knee replacement surgery. Nice guy. We spent more time BS'ing about stuff in general, the market, hobbies, our expanding waist lines. Labs and chest x-ray tomorrow, my Primary Care in 10 days, surgery on 2/5.
early am visit to the dentist to pick up and check fit of single tooth partial, feel and looks fine, just have to remember to remove it to eat. It's basically a spacer to keep other teeth from shifting, I am not ready for an implant and not even sure want another one.
Went to a local Lexus dealer to test drive the ES350. We are replacing DH's 2017 model to get all the technology, e.g., 360* camera, HUD, etc. Their lot is empty of cars...maybe a dozen total. Our very local dealer had no ES350s!!! Now he gets to make the decision, the Lexus or BMW 540i.
I took one of our cars for a required biennial emissions inspection test--probably have done this 35 times since testing began in Illinois in 1986, all passed. So maybe 700 miles of driving to and from the emissions testing center--I hope the environment broke even.
early am visit to the dentist to pick up and check fit of single tooth partial, feel and looks fine, just have to remember to remove it to eat. It's basically a spacer to keep other teeth from shifting, I am not ready for an implant and not even sure want another one.
Yeah, one of my least favorite parts of getting older. More dental visits and more dental problems. Just went through my second root canal this month. My teeth are hanging on for dear life.

Yeah, as I always say "Age Appropriate."
Today I opened up my truck camper and started getting it ready for 4 nights at Bodega Bay, California where I'll take a charter fishing trip on a 6 pack for crab and rock fish, maybe a ling or two. Then just chill out enjoying fresh seafood and the sound of the surf.

My wife convinced me to haul the Christmas decorations to the attic.

I also did my taxes and discovered that replacing my failed solar controller with a new one got me a $1500 federal tax CREDIT! Instead of owing $300, I'll be receiving $1200.

Then we took our 2 mile evening walk and I fried chicken in our cast iron with real lard. Man, I forgot how much better fried chicken is that way!
Today I opened up my truck camper and started getting it ready for 4 nights at Bodega Bay, California where I'll take a charter fishing trip on a 6 pack for crab and rock fish, maybe a ling or two. Then just chill out enjoying fresh seafood and the sound of the surf.

My wife convinced me to haul the Christmas decorations to the attic.

I also did my taxes and discovered that replacing my failed solar controller with a new one got me a $1500 federal tax CREDIT! Instead of owing $300, I'll be receiving $1200.

Then we took our 2 mile evening walk and I fried chicken in our cast iron with real lard. Man, I forgot how much better fried chicken is that way!
Bodega Bay. The location for the Hitchcock movie THE BIRDS. I would love to visit some day.

A late wakeup, did my usual somatic movement routine, then trip to coffee shop.
Next clean out woodstove, pre-load for quick start, and load in a bunch of firewood in prep for the predicted three day deep freeze here in SW PA.
Later thish evening go for some Lindy Hop and Rock and Roll dancing.
Bodega Bay. The location for the Hitchcock movie THE BIRDS. I would love to visit some day.

Actually, we are camping at Doran Beach Jetty, site 99. The town of Bodega is inland a few miles. The old church and other structures are still there. An afternoon drive around the area has many interesting shops and restaurants. We pick up some fresh sourdough, oysters, cheeses and of course, Napa Valley wine for our relaxation.
Did two things so far before today's big games:

(1) Checked out/fixed my weather proofing for the big freeze that's coming up around here next week.

(2) Worked a little more on my 2024 tax return since I now have some real data to work with. Getting scarily close to the 1st tier of IRMAA for 2026. I sure hope the Finance Buff guy is correct with his assumptions/calculations.
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