What did you do today 2025

Drove to the skating rink 20 miles away.
Full of kids, guess mothers are savvy at letting them get good and tired instead of whining about nothing to do. I left, went to coffee shop, then came ome. Fire in woodstove still going strong.
Iowa here, it has been below zero and very cold her the last two days. I have inside stuff saved up to do and have about run through that list. On line yoga, correspondence and calendar (takes 10 minutes), cooking which I do enjoy, and about all the housecleaning I can think of. It is above zero now so I will venture out to run a few errands and see my Mom. I am ready to get out of the house for sure. We are having dinner in tonight, either spaghetti, beef-burgers, or meatloaf. I hope everyone is staying safe and warm, especially my southern neighbors.
6-8 inches of snow on Sunday. Yesterday went skiing, even though it was a holiday and the resort was fairly crowded. The wind started picking up mid-afternoon so I left. The snow was amazing. Today I had new Costco tires aligned. It was very cold going out and some of the streets near the auto garage were not well plowed. This afternoon I have a flute rehearsal. Home tonight, probably reading and decluttering. The kitchen remodel is beginning to take shape with painting. New floor starts tomorrow and new cabinet install starts next week.

Installed the 6 floating shelves after making them last week.
Installed the 6 floating shelves after making them last week.

Looks good. And now you have somewhere to put all that stuff.

I spent a couple hours n the garage sorting out screws, bolts, nails, etc, and trying to make sense of 8,000 mixed up bits of hardware. Some I already had, and a bunch Dad gave me a while back.
Looks good. And now you have somewhere to put all that stuff.

I spent a couple hours n the garage sorting out screws, bolts, nails, etc, and trying to make sense of 8,000 mixed up bits of hardware. Some I already had, and a bunch Dad gave me a while back.
DW and I went to our local hardware store recently, looking for some nuts and bolts. We were shocked at the prices. SO, hang onto those mixed up bits and carefully put them into the appropriate baby-food jars or whatever you find at hand. You may be sitting on a small fortune!
Looks good. And now you have somewhere to put all that stuff.

I spent a couple hours n the garage sorting out screws, bolts, nails, etc, and trying to make sense of 8,000 mixed up bits of hardware. Some I already had, and a bunch Dad gave me a while back.
I have about 60 years worth I look at once in a while scattered about in containers, boxes, jars, etc. My daughter and her husband will "inherit" it someday! :2funny:
Hardware has gotten expensive for sure. If I can get things halfway organized maybe I can find what I need, and open it up for friends and neighbors. I'll never use it all.
Looks good. And now you have somewhere to put all that stuff.

I spent a couple hours n the garage sorting out screws, bolts, nails, etc, and trying to make sense of 8,000 mixed up bits of hardware. Some I already had, and a bunch Dad gave me a while back.
Yeah, my never ending organization is always happening in the garage...
Went for coffee to meet my friends at 6:15 am like I typically do. Very few cars on the road and the coffee shop was closed! What the heck? No ice on the roads and it was just cold (18 F) Wimps!!
Day 3 of computer reorganization. Moving dslr photos to apple photos in iCloud. Increased iCloud size. Added another external drive, and transferred lots of files to give each drive more space. Still need some thunderbolt cables to move 2 drives to thunderbolts, freeing up 2 usb's for printer and scanner. Still need to thin out the photos and miscellaneous files.

Otherwise, watched tv all day. Waiting for workshop to warm up to around 60 to go out there.
Two degrees outside this morning, glad we have gas heat and bought the extra insulation package when the house was built. Yesterday evening DW got a snap photo with her iPhone of some backyard visitors. One second later they were gone on down the hill behind the house.


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I drove to Walmart to buy a lazer printer. I hope it's easy to hook up to my Mac. (Heh, heh, I may double post this in the BTD thread.).
Went to town hall and paid my semiannual installment of property tax. I am of the opinion that I get good value for my money.
Went to town hall and paid my semiannual installment of property tax. I am of the opinion that I get good value for my money.
Considering how little I pay, I guess I get pretty good value for my money. BUT I pay by mail with a check (both semiannual payments at one time).

Back on topic, when the rain stopped and the cold front finally went through (drying the air) I started w*rking on the rust eating at my iron gate. It's a yearly event for me.


A buddy was in town and his client took us to the track and we did some laps in a GT3 RS Weissach. On the back straight we got to 127mph. After a half dozen laps I felt ill for a couple of hours, but definitely worth it.

Also met Lou Gigliotti, owner of the track. He competed in many races from '72-2021. He took my buddy around for a couple of rounds before switching seats with him... Classy guy.

Definitely a BTD kind of car. Apparently you could open a LLC in Montana to not pay sales tax on your cars (this one ~$300k). Apparently a couple of counties in Montana are known for this.
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Spent some of the day at the ranch we were at our son's home for few days. While we were there, he had an emergency removal appendix surgery.
Just 48 hours now but he will have a long slow recovery I'm afraid of. Doctors had to make a larger incision to get the job done not the 3 or 4 small cuts procedure.
A beautiful day here we have chinook winds and full sun. Got snow last evening and everything is melting with the warm winds.
Tomorrow is sourdough bake day. I got everything ready this morning at 5AM it is rising really nice.
Also, two weeks next Monday when we sent out the request for transfer of IRA to new Company. Money hasn't been sent yet but company notified me with a call saying they got the request and Medallion signature and instructions for transfer. I been a little concerned because of the two weeks and everything on our end was air mailed. The amount is very large and said with that amount of money it will take a little longer. I'm not sure why but that is what my answer was.
So, I hope next week this is over and complete.
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A beautiful day took a couple of long walks. I also built a 6'x16" planter for a guy I meet a few years ago. He has had several small strokes so is limited on things he can do.
Last year I have him a few tomato plants and he was so happy watching them grow and harvesting the produce.
So, he was talking about have a planter to plant about 4 plants in it for this summer.
So, today I built it out of pallets and will surprise him this week.
So, today I built it out of pallets and will surprise him this week.

Sounds like a way better neighbor than State Farm. Good on you Street.

I sorted papers and filed papers to try and clean my desk.
Scanned my Captains log - diary from a 2019 road trip to Arkansas.
Relived the memories a bit and now I have a small 25 page PDF book, hand written a night at a time.
Scanned the paper receipts too.
Toured the Amazon fulfillment center in West Albuquerque. Quite an interesting place. It was amazing all the automated machines moving products around from placing in storage, moving from storage down to packaging, labeling and shipping. There are, of course, a lot of humans involved. If you have one near you check to see if they give tours. We learned a lot.
Went to my first session at StretchLab today. I've been struggling with tightness in my hips so I hope this is one of the fixes, along with some physical therapy, to get me back to running and hiking without pain.
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