Last night, I mostly watched "The Swimmer" from 1968 starring Burt Lancaster. (I may have fast forwarded a few times.)
This is a unique movie with a non-traditional structure.
I never heard of this little cult gem until it popped up on Tubi. Being a swimmer myself, I started watching and realized this has nothing to do with swimming.

Although, I admit that Burt's shallow dives and classic stroke are perfect -- for the 30 seconds of screen time we see him diving or swimming. (He was a non-swimmer and learned it at age 52 for this role from an Olympian. It shows.)
The description says: "Man swims across the county using neighbors' pools to get home."
Ha ha. Well, it is really: "Man takes a journey of self awareness by meeting neighbors, friends and acquaintances as he travels through the county."
And that doesn't describe it. There's the story about the man, and then the not so subtle commentary on upwardly mobile Americans in the late 60s -- OR TODAY. Not much has changed.
I suspect the non-traditional structure of the movie, the somewhat depressing travels of the man in middle age, and the pointed social commentary turned off movie goers. The reason we didn't hear about it was because it was a flop. It has since gained a little cult following and it moving up in the IMDB polls. Technically, it is perhaps not the best either (blocking and lighting are a pain outside next to a pool), but this is all about the story.
It's a good movie to watch if you are ready to think, and want something other than CGI or Sci Fi adventure.