What was your 2024 total spending amount?

Right around 28k for myself and my son.
We don't have any car or house payments, and no unexpected lump expenses, so this has been the third year in a row at about 28k.
If I count everything...literally everything which would include household expenses, out of pocket non-reimbursesble medical expenses, remodeling, etc...everything except taxes and charity we spent a few dollars shy of $125,000.
No mortgage but we did some work. No car payments, but they need insurance and maintaining. I will total it up when the year is done.
$185K so far. Two of us plus daughter in college. Over $20K unexpected rental expenses. Also new fence for primary. Budget is $120K so went way over this year.

Lots of areas in CA are way less $$$$ than the coastal cities.
Bonus, there's not so many dang people. :D
Adding the $2 lottery ticket i'm getting tomorrow as my final expense of the year I will come in at a grand total of $11,191. Unless of course I win the lottery tomorrow, then i'll spend more than that in the last 2 days of the year. :)
About 250K in 2024 -Government gets more than me. :(
150K in taxes + Medicare surcharges + IRMMA + NIIT
We’re over $350k with most of it gifting or charity. The next highest expense is taxes.
Excluding Taxes, 219K. (115K for travel.)

Taxes were substantial, but mostly for Roth conversions--with a wee bit for IRMAA first quarter of next year.
Since you asked... about $300K including taxes in MCOL area. Discretionary spending is probably much larger than non-discretionary spending. Main expenses are country club, lots of travel (about 3 months) and golfing 3 to 4 times a week while traveling, eating out at sit-down restaurants daily, full medical costs (non-subsidized pre-Medicare insurance for 1 while the other is on Medicare, plus concierge), expensive home upkeep - high HOA etc. No Roth conversion since we are taxed at higher tax bracket already.
I don’t have my final numbers yet. Should be in the 130K range.
40k including taxes for one person and 2 small dogs. I’ve had a lot of vet expenses as Amy has heart disease and is on a special diet for a sensitive stomach and 2 medications for her heart. I went to Kansas twice to visit family which wasn’t expensive.
TFM for the 4th year running, and way too much so this year. Marriage, divorce and high medical bills blew out the long term plan since 2020. Without the spending this fall on getting a house ready to sell and buying another, it would still be TFM, but in line with other year's TFM. Downsizing early in 2025 will bring it back to reasonable numbers.
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