Happiest moment: seeing someone drive off with the 12' X 12.75' area rug I no longer needed after I FINALLY had an ugly patch of plywood smack in the middle of my beautiful hardwood floor in the living room replaced with hardwood. (The previous owners gave us a $300 credit towards an area rug- we found out why on the walk-through. No idea why they cut costs like that in an otherwise well-built home.) It was a royal PITA to wrestle it out the door and list it as Free Stuff on Craigslist and then, two days after someone said they'd be coming to get it, a light mist started and I was afraid it would end up so wet no one would want it. Second guy picked it up this afternoon.
Second-happiest moment- he was so thrilled he sent me a picture of it in his house.
Third-happiest moment: I'd taken a stack of library books up when visiting the grandchildren and returned them on the way home- except for one. I remember DDIL handing that one to me at the last minute and thought I'd put it with the others and returned it. I found it in my trunk today. It's back where it belongs.
Now that I have an idea of what type of space I'll have in the retirement community where I'll likely move in 2 years I'm getting rid of things I no longer use and won't need there, either. I got a lot out the door this week.
Then I found an ironing board in a closet. Wonder if I can get rid of an ironing board.