I voted #1 and #6. I stopped full-time work last Oct. 11, but the buyout severance ended on March 24. In any case, when I took the buyout at 53, and my wife at 51, we didn't use the R word, but others did for us. And I didn't even realize #6 until I had time to really crunch the numbers and pleasantly surprise myself. I still have trouble admitting the R word at my age, so this poll is really interesting. And I suppose what we call ourselves doesn't matter (despite people always asking us). The facts are these: we left the FT job, we don't regret it, we don't want a new FT job, I'm looking into little side work, we do have some family obligations (older relatives), we're not feeling much pressure (even as we get used to this). This discussion board is helping me realize I'm FIRE, actually. But the world can call us what they will.