OK, here you go:
I first ran the investigate for 100% success, and got $35,863 (all defaults, $1M starting portfolio), so 3.5863% initial SWR. The failed year was 1966 if I boosted that to $35,900.
Then I ran it (w/o 'investigate') with $35,862, ($1 less, to avoid rounding errors - maybe didn't need to), for years 1964~1968 to make it easier to view the graph.
Look at the graph, the inflation adjusted portfolio never exceeds the original $1M, so there is no opportunity to raise the spend, which makes sense. You can't take more from a year that's on the brink of failure, and conversely, of course you
can take more from years that end up with a balance at the end.
The RA&G method optimizes the amount you can WD/spend, and reduces the amount 'left on the table', within the data set provided. How can it be otherwise?
Another 'test' would be to take a different year that does see a significant increase, and run with that increased WD amount starting that year (for the remaining years though - if that was year 5 of 30, you need to cut the time frame to the remaining 25 years).
Although I cannot see your graph, I don't doubt that it shows as you describe. What I have been trying to say (perhaps unclearly) is the following hypothetical comparing traditional method versus retire again after 1 year and then use traditional method for subsequent years:
Traditional from day one method
Beginning portfolio = 100,000
Retirement time = t0
Initial Draw = 4,000 (draw on Jan 1)
Inflation rate t0 > t1 = 3%
Portfolio return t0 > t1 = 15%
Portfolio value at t1 = (100,000 - 4,000) x 1.15 = 110,400
Year 2 draw = 4000 x 1.03 = 4120 (draw on Jan 1)
Inflation rate t1 > t2 = 4%
Portfolio return t1 >t2 = -5%
Portfolio value at t2 = (110,400 - 4120) x .95 = 100,966
Year 3 draw = 4120 x 1.04 = 4284.80
Retire again method
Beginning portfolio = 100,000
Retirement time = t0
Initial Draw = 4,000 (draw on Jan 1)
Inflation rate t0 > t1 = 3%
Portfolio return t0 > t1 = 15%
Portfolio value at t1 = (100,000 - 4,000) x 1.15 = 110,400
Year 2 draw = 4000 x 1.15 = 4600 (draw on Jan 1)
Inflation rate t1 > t2 = 4%
Portfolio return t1 >t2 = -5%
Portfolio value at t2 = (110,400 - 4600) x .95 = 100,510
Year 3 draw = 4600 x 1.04 = 4784.00
So we can see that at the end of Year 2, the retire again method already has a smaller portfolio than the traditional from day one method and the gap will only grow in subsequent years, because the draw will always be larger and the smaller portfolio will not gain as much in up years.
It is a mathematical certainty that the retire again method will fail before the traditional from day one method for the exact same starting year.