When do you move from Go-Go to Slow-Go Years poll?

At what age do you move from "Go-Go" to "Slow-Go"?

  • < 65

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • 65-69

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 40 29.6%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 58 43.0%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 16 11.9%
  • 85-89

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • >90

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters

Earl E Retyre

Full time employment: Posting here.
Jan 1, 2010
We are currently 60 years of age and believe we need to take advantage of being relatively young, healthy and energetic - to us this means things like traveling more, trying new hobbies such as pickle ball and hiking as much as we can. At some point we will obviously slow down and no longer want to do much travel and no longer want to or be able to play pickle ball, etc.

I wonder how many years we have left of these "go-go" years. Part of the transition to "slow-go" is obviously health related but part is probably mindset related. I was initially thinking of restricting this poll to those who believe they have moved from "go-go" to "slow-go" to see what the actual average data revealed ... but then I figured I would not restrict it if you have an opinion based on others that you know.
I think it's more of a continuum. We're 64 and still doing active trips, but we can't claim that our activity level is what it was 10-20 years ago. I imagine (hope) we'll still be riding bikes and hiking around in 10 years, but the distances and speeds will continue to decrease. What constitutes slow-go vs go-go?
We have this all mapped out....LOL...and this will go according to plan.....Currently we are at 60 and we are wearing out our passport......knowing this will change....

GOGO 54-74
GOSLOW 75-85
NOGO 86+ (if we make it there)
I think it depends on the definitions used, and your personal health.
DH and I have seen a slowing down/decrease in energy just in the last year or so, heading on the downside of 67. It has surprised us both and we still walk, etc. Having a puppy this past year has been a very good thing to keep us active! And he is a mini golden doodle, so will most likely be a whirlwind for several years :)
We would never be "go-go" simply based on travel, as we usually only take 1-2 trips a week or more long anyway.
I noticed a significant slow down in my older sister and SIL from 70-75, with this year at 75 being very noticeable for them.
But my other SIL had a grandma who was pretty active until 105, slowed down significantly until she dies at 110. Her mom is 93, just now slowing down.
This one got me thinking. I voted 75-79, but it all seems relative to what people believe and what they want to do as well as their health and fitness. We only do two trips a year and they aren’t long, but stay somewhat busy off and on with things in the area where we live that we want to do. I think we are a moderate-go and aren’t a real go-go. We have a friend that turned 87 this year and finally seems to be slowing down. We noticed on the last two local group outings he had slowed down and needed to rest more. I think we can make it to our 80s and still have the same level of activity as we have now. My father who passed at 88 was still traveling quite a bit into his early 80s.
Some people may not want to go anywhere just because of age. We are making our 4th overseas trip this year. We might lose travel interest at any time, just because we don't want to do it anyway. But at 60, I want to do as much travel as I could, booking the next one before starting the current, all are planned by myself.
It’s not an age. I’ve known lots of 50-something slow-go’s and 70 & 80 something go-go’s. It depends on how you maintain yourself mostly, on top of your heredity. If you’re happy as a couch potato with bad habits your quality of life will suffer sooner than if you’re active with healthy habits…

I play golf regularly with over 20 guys. It's only one example, but we have an 80 year old that walks 18-hole rounds (6-7 miles with some hills for non golf folks) 12 months out of the year, never rides a cart. Lots of other late 60's/70's who also walk 9-10 months out of the year. OTOH, we have some mid 60's guys who couldn't play golf without a riding cart, and they can't play two days in a row - need a recovery day in between.

No matter what your 70’s will be better than your 80’s in all likelihood.
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I agree it seems to depend on health and heredity, as well as habits, so much. I think of our parents who had to really slow down in their 70s, such that trips are difficult. (Example: We thought Las Vegas would be doable for them, even with cabs and shuttles, but there's a lot of required walking in Vegas even just to get through hotels because of the casinos, and that proved to be a hardship. Sometimes there are carts, but not always.) OTOH, I go on bike tours that often have 70somethings, riding like 60 miles a day.

Did you see the articles on the two big slowdowns in aging? I think this may have been referenced in this forum somewhere: Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60
I'm expecting to start really slowing down in my mid 70s, just based on what I've seen in the majority of older relatives and friends over the years. There are always exceptions, of course, but IME very few folks in their 80s are doing any "go-go" stuff (like major, overseas travel or regular participation in sports like tennis, pickleball, etc.). DW and I are planning to front load as much overseas travel as we can over the next 10-15 years, (hopefully) before the big slow-down really starts to kick in.
Well I don’t know yet. I’m almost 65, DH 69. DH at 69.5 is very active showing no signs of slowing (knock on wood). We just got back from an active hiking trip in the mountains and did well. I’m hoping it’s not until 80 for me which would be 84.5 for DH. If our health remains good I hope we can swing that.

We’re already switching a bit to less independent, more cushy travel. But that’s not going slow, IMO, rather more convenient/less hassle, letting others take care of logistics.

I didn’t vote. We haven’t slowed down yet. I don’t know the answer. When we do slow down I hope it’s gradual.
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I didn't vote because I don't believe there can be any rule of thumb. People are so different from one another.

My view is simple. Do as much as you can for as long as you can. That will vary enormously by individual.

I look at my neighbor, who is 87, and think he's a great example. Still runs his own business, plays vigorous tennis matches three times a week all year round, and plays golf weekly in the good weather. He has also had two hip replacements. I hope to be in the same shape when I'm his age.
Hard to know what the body tells me at these ages. My goal is 80 to 84 slow/go.
To many things to do yet and so little time.
My drive only goes about 210 yards at age 81, Not like 230+ 10 years ago. My wedge is still about 110 yards if I catch it right. I've always been pretty coordinated. My two hip replacements gave me a new life.

I still cut my own grass and do yard work. Gave up working on cars a few years ago. I am slowing down, but mostly due to arthritis in my joints. I'm still walking 8,000+ steps per day though.
Flipped the switch at ~70. Not by choice. Trips are shorter and naps are longer.
We have this all mapped out....LOL...and this will go according to plan.....Currently we are at 60 and we are wearing out our passport......knowing this will change....

GOGO 54-74
GOSLOW 75-85
NOGO 86+ (if we make it there)
This kind of thing varies greatly from person to person. Based on my chronic pain and my older family members I would say:

GOGO <50
GOSLOW 50s & 60's
NOGO 70's

If I make it into 80's i'll fix that problem myself.
Early 70's. Both of us. In good health so we are getting in as much as we feel comfortable with.

Lots of travel. We figure that when we are in the 'go slow' period we will switch from independent, sponataneous travel to cruises and senior's tours.
I'm 63 and DH Is 72. But he is fitter than me. I'm pushing travel for the next 5 years because of worries we'll suddenly switch to slo-go or no-go

We were older parents, so we're finally empty nest (kids in college). But our dog got sick this year and DH has cancer treatment so we're stuck at home ... Best laid plans... Hope to switch back to go-go next year.

I'm hoping DH status for go-go lasts at least another 5 years. Our plan has always been to slow (cruises, etc) when DH hits 80.

Life doesn't always go as planned.
Life doesn't always go as planned
Health and money are not the only limitations. What I generically call "family issues" can come into play as well. DW and I are planning a 2 week trip to Tuscany next year, but I'm a major caregiver for my recently disabled brother.

That means finding-- and paying for--respite care while we're away. It just adds another layer of PITA to the equation. Even our five day trip to Bermuda last week required lining up a replacement for my/his "morning program" which is usually my job. You can reach a point where you find yourself saying that it's just easier to stay home.

Because of his injury, our original retirement plan of summers in Provence and a month of skiing the Alps/Utah each year were cut short well before our health became the limiter.

We had traveled the world ten times over before all that so I'm not complaining--been there, done that and more--but just pointing out that sometimes "life" intervenes.
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One of my best friends is 84 but looks and acts 10-15 years younger. Another of my best friends is 72 and is just the opposite. Enjoy your youth while you can...aging is not always linear. You'll know when it's time to slow down.
Flipped the switch at ~70. Not by choice. Trips are shorter and naps are longer.
Yep - hit a "health wall" at 70. Took me by surprise. Relatively healthy and then not so healthy. Heh, heh, guess what age I voted?
I’m not there yet but I observed a noticeable slowdown around 70-74 for my parents as well as my aunts and uncles.
I just mentioned this to DW yesterday. Just returned from mom's and she's definitely a no-go since before the pandemic. They're now 77&81. Sad how many friends have slowed to a crawl and many died before 80. Her mom is 82 & dimentia stricken.

With 2 couple households, it doubles the chance for 1 to slow the other down... We're 53&59. Optimistic with late 70's...
While life-style and behaviors are important, genes and luck are likely the biggest factors in the age limits. Good luck to all of us (heh, heh, too late for me, I guess. :cool: )
Yep - hit a "health wall" at 70. Took me by surprise. Relatively healthy and then not so healthy. Heh, heh, guess what age I voted?
Me too. I played full contact hockey until I was 50. Still solid in my 60s, then....70 came along.

Twelve days after I turned 70 I was in the ER with an attack of tachycardia. Last year I had my prostate removed. This year, 2 MRIs for a disc issue. It all just hit me all at once.

Docs still tell me that I'm "young" for my age and people often ask me if my younger brother is my father. Most in my family live into their 90s so I'm hopeful to get all this nonsense behind me.
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