It's hard to wear out a passport these days- no one stamps them! On my most recent trip, I just scanned my passport on arrival in London and when leaving- you had to wait in line if you wanted a stamp or needed it because you had some complicated status. Sweden stamped it on entry and Copenhagen stamped it when I left. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland- nothing.We have this all mapped out....LOL...and this will go according to plan.....Currently we are at 60 and we are wearing out our passport......knowing this will change....
I hope you are right. For me, it was a cliff.Still Go Go at 65. reducing pace a little. Hope we have 10-15 more years. I see it as a slope, not a cliff.
Same thing happened to me. DW started going downhill rather quickly at around 70 and I was GO GO like crazy at the same time. Her last 5 years, mostly bedridden, put a damper on our "active" life as I became her full time caretaker until she passed away in 12/2022. I'm still pretty much Go Go at 81 now, but going it alone.What’s sadder. I have a friend who is an 80 yo “go-go” - plays golf 3 times a week and always walks (no riding cart), exercise walks daily and always eats healthy. He’s in better shape than most guys 10-20 years younger.
His same age wife, became a slow-go years ago, and is now a no-go due to health issues. She has never been active. Very sad for both, and nothing they can do to change the disparity now.
Constant conundrum for DW and I. I work seasonally but she still full time until 60. ( 6 yrs). Only so much we can vacation ( she does get 6 weeks off though). Also still on an accumulation of retirement assets budget too. So always looking for balance. I am 60 now so I still have no issues being active ( besides normal sports related aches and pains) Also have a German shepherd/ husky mix that I hate to put in boarding ( expensive as of now too). We are doing an 11 days Spain trip in late April thoughThis makes me want to book all the trips NOW. We are both 64 and notice we're a bit slower than 4 years ago.
Time flies!
We had neighbors that routinely went on Country Walkers trips well into their 80s. They walked a lot here to keep in training. Otherwise they went on cruises - usually family get together cruises. And they traveled quite a bit to grandkids graduations, etc. They would be gone all summer roadtrip which also included family visits.I'm too young to vote, but my DMIL had been doing trips with OAT rated "Moderately Strenuous" until around 80 or 81. She's slowing down a bit, but mostly by taking less demanding trips! I'd feel very lucky if I can be anything like that, as neither of my parents made it to 80, and only one made it to 70.
We had a "Joyce" in our building. She was 90 and volunteered as a docent at three local oceanographic oriented endeavors. She still drove (though I never enjoyed riding with her.)Our neighbor, Joyce, is 92, does not own a car, walks or rides bus everywhere, travels to Europe 1-2 months of the year, speaks four languages. At least. She swims daily in our pool, and from what I've seen she does laps vs. just floating around.
That's our role model right there.
My parents, OTOH, are 92 and 88, mostly sedentary, obese, and are being kept alive by medications and a pacemaker. My dad has at least started doing some workouts because the son of one of the other assisted living residents has taken a liking to him and gets him to the gym or a local pool for workouts weekly. He may have even lost a few pounds. My Mom, on the other hand, hasn't left the building since COVID hit, except for when my brother occasionally takes her to the doctor, or when she falls and gets a ride to the hospital.
My great aunt lived to 102.
So I have good genetic odds for living long, but I also want to extend the GO-GO years as long as possible. On a related note, there are multiple trips on multiple continents in the planning stages...
Unfortunately some people slow down at a "too young" age. I voted even though i'm only 45 because a bad hip replacement and significant chronic back pain have already slowed me down and it'll only get worse. I envy those who are able to make it even to 60 for the Go-Go years. Don't take it for granted, you never know when you will lose it.I'm too young to vote, but my DMIL had been doing trips with OAT rated "Moderately Strenuous" until around 80 or 81. She's slowing down a bit, but mostly by taking less demanding trips! I'd feel very lucky if I can be anything like that, as neither of my parents made it to 80, and only one made it to 70.
Here is our actual experiencesWe have this all mapped out....LOL...and this will go according to plan.....Currently we are at 60 and we are wearing out our passport......knowing this will change....
GOGO 54-74
GOSLOW 75-85
NOGO 86+ (if we make it there)
Sums it up for me. My shift will be when my body and/or mind say so.It’s not an age.
The fable of the tortoise and the hare comes to mind,Are there any people like me, who are GOSLOW for the entire life?![]()
Well, slower than average, anyway.Are there any people like me, who are GOSLOW for the entire life?![]()