When do you move from Go-Go to Slow-Go Years poll?

At what age do you move from "Go-Go" to "Slow-Go"?

  • < 65

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • 65-69

    Votes: 8 5.9%
  • 70-74

    Votes: 40 29.6%
  • 75-79

    Votes: 58 43.0%
  • 80-84

    Votes: 16 11.9%
  • 85-89

    Votes: 3 2.2%
  • >90

    Votes: 2 1.5%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't know. We are 76-62 and still go-go. We just spent a month in coastal Calfornia in July/August and spent a week in Reno last week. Earlier this year we spent a month in Palm Desert, CA and another 2 weeks in Orlando, FL. Next year we will be in Palm Desert again for a month in January. We travel about 3 months a year and have not slowed down.

We are discussing spending a month in Florence Italy in 2026. We have been to Italy several times and love Florence. The Good Life Abroad is very tempting. I want to spend a month in Barcelona. We will see where we pick first.

My guess is we may slow down when my husband is about 84. We shall see.
I’m 74 and play golf 5-6 days a week. I generally walk half of those rounds. There’s an 86 year old in our group … he’s in 3 - 4 rounds a week. Keep moving! I’m in the Nashville area.
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I believe you simply adjust for limitations and keep on moving. Granted, that is easier for some than others depending on health.

I had a friend who in his 70’s decided he no longer liked to do left turns in heavy traffic. He felt that was by far the highest risk thing he did when he drove, and the main reason for his not want to drive much anymore.

He spread out a map of the city, marked the places he traveled to most often, a mapped out routes that minimized left turns. A decade later I read the UPS had done the same thing for its delivery trucks since reducing left turns significantly reduced delivery times. He was a man ahead of his time.
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Most left turns in our city are controlled by lights. I too hate to turn left when there is no left-arrow available.
Like many, I didn't vote. For us, 56/57--64/65 have definitely been go-go years. We operate on the assumption that any adventure trip might be our last, so are front loading physically demanding travels and have traveled ~6 months of each year since retiring.

We think/hope that this will last until we are ~80--as was the case for her parents (and we've been more diligent on our conditioning...). Plus, in 2018, 2023, and 2024, we dove in the South Pacific with different gentlemen who started diving before I was born.

OTOH, you don't see the octogenarians who aren't on the dive boats. ;) And, I know of no male ancestor of mine who lived past 72. (Of course, I can explain that history away, but who knows....)

You invests your money and you takes your chances....

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