When Interest Rates turn the corner


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2021
Northern NJ/ Jersey Shore
Interesting article in the WSJ. I’m sure many of us remember this time in our younger days. I was buying my house and wondering how I was ever going to afford a 17% mortgage. Luckily, the seller who was moving to Florida took back the mortgage at a bargain 13% rate for this “nice young couple”.


It’s true, the past is very clear but the future is very shrouded in fog.
We bought our first house in 1984 when 30 years rates were 16-3/4% we opted for a 13-3/4% three year balloon mortgage.
Bought my first house in 1978 at 6% interest. It seemed like a lot at the time, but proved to be a bargain over the next 10 years.
Bought a Co-Op in 1983 with a 12.25% mortgage. No decision making with extra monies whether to pay down the mortgage or invest in the market.
I'll laugh since I have a 30 year mortgage at 2.25% and no other debt.

That's a great rate!

Some of us back in that time of high interest rates also bought 10 year T-Bills at rates in the low to mid teens. (IIRC, 12-16% in the early 80's)

I cried when my last one matured.
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I’m guessing those high rates in those days kept downward pressure on demand and prices? Or not? (The article is behind a paywall. What are the main points?)
My first mortgage was at 14% a deal only because it came from my DM.
She did insist on true mortgage and told me she would foreclose on me if I skipped paying her :cool:
Early 80s I got my first house at around 13.5%, IIRC.

I remember reading an article in either a print magazine like Newsweek/Time or the WSJ... gist of it was we would NEVER see rates below 10% again! :facepalm:
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We bought our first house in 1984 when 30 years rates were 16-3/4% we opted for a 13-3/4% three year balloon mortgage.

Ah, balloon mortgages. When I bought my first (and only) crappy little starter home I opted for a "30 due in 5" balloon note. In 5 years I refi'd into a 30 due in 7 and then 6 years later finally refi'd into a 30 year fixed (which I ended up paying off in about 13 years).

This choice of balloon notes was a mistake born of my financial conservatism (even starting at age 30). Friends and colleagues of mine were going for adjustable mortgages, but I didn't want to take the risk of rates bouncing back up. Instead, as we all now know, rates steadily marched downward for 20+ years and adjustable mortgages ended up being the smarter call.

This wasn't the first or last time I lost money by worrying about the future rather than betting on it.
Bought our first house in 1980 with a 12% interest rate.
I’m not sure what our first mortgage was, but it must have been 12% or more. I remember that our first refinance was down to 10%. Not sure if it was that refinance or the next one, but we also went from 30 years to 15 years and kept the payment pretty close.

When I saw the title of this thread, I was hoping for some insight or strategies for when the interest rates turn the corner and starts going up. Not looking forward to all that goes along with it, but I wouldn’t mind having some safe money that pays a good interest rate again.
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We got to assume a 10% VA loan in 1983. We felt like we'd hit the jackpot!
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