When to Claim SS?

Here's a VERY basic decision tree (that some will pick apart), but the decision depends entirely on the answers to these questions, and more...[gender, marital history, minor or disabled children, are you disabled, your health/projected longevity, health of spouse, spouse's earnings relative to yours, other assets, your tax scenario, employment status, etc.]

Should that question in the upper right be, Do you expect to live beyond 78.7 That is the break even point of 62 vs 67
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Plan for age 70, hope to live that long. :)

Since most males in my family die around that age.

Though Dad made it another decade, so here's hoping.
The BIG problem with making the optimum choice is not being able to predict your age at death or a significant health problem that may leave you alive but not fully functioning; Stroke, H/A, Dementia, Parkinsons, Cancer. I wish all those who opt to start SS as late as possible good health and good luck going forward. I have seen too many friends and relatives suffer and pass from these conditions, including two who thought they would live much longer because their parents did.
That's one of my big incentives for getting it sooner. It's the old saying "hope for the best, but plan for the worst." I'd hate to think I held back and could have enjoyed spending more but didn't and then I kick off or am disabled to a point where I can't enjoy more money. If I do last longer, I'll still have enough coverage to take care of that.
Yes, and I appreciate the patience of all of you long-time ER.org members for whom this is a tired old topic with us newcomers for whom this is all new.
And of course I'm pretty sure nobody is forcing anyone else to read a given thread...
Anyone but your unfortunate moderators may put any thread, or any poster, on "ignore".
If so, it's a rather strange and rather lame joke.
Strange indeed. The thread is titled simply, "When to Claim SS?" and was posted while discussion of the same topic was active in at least one other thread. The original post prefaces what looks to me like a wry take on the never-ending debate over SS claiming strategy with "Forgive me. I joke." Does that negate the thread as titled? I have no idea what to make of it.

Anyone but your unfortunate moderators may put any thread, or any poster, on "ignore".
True, but the mods get paid double what we "peons" get paid when we post here. :cool:
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