Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
As you probably know, property and sales taxes are high in TX because there is no state income tax. When comparing taxes in one state versus another, it's only prudent to compare all the various taxes - income (including how various sources are included/excluded - e.g. SS, pensions, military), property, sales, auto license/registration, gas taxes, etc. There are lots of ways for states to generate revunue while highlighting other "tax benefits."I pay twice as much in property tax in silicon valley compared to my house in Austin because assessment is 4x for same house. Utah is the best in terms of $ amount for property tax which is what matters. New law in Texas now limits how much taxes can go up so that will help.
I would expect the politics in Austin to be worlds apart from Silicon Valley, but that may/not matter to you.