Which Boglehead contributors do you value the most?


Dryer sheet wannabe
May 26, 2019
I've been a member on Bogleheads for about a long as I have followed this forum. I don't go there as much anymore, I think in part because of the (imo) heavy handed moderation and tendency for a few opinionated posters who seem to have all day, every day, to try to convince the internet of their brilliance.

As with this site, I've learned a lot from the Bogleheads forum over the years, and I'm a couple of years into a semi-lean FIRE, which I am very thankful for.

My question is....which Bogleheads contributors do you respect the most, and learn the most from? As in, when XXXX posts their input, you always read it?

For me, it's Nisiprius who is still active. Very knowledgeable, very good communicater, and humble enough to admit that most things in investing are not black/white.

Also, I gained a lot from Willthrill's posts. Knowledgeable, patient, and obviously confident enough to go against the Bogleheads dogma. But eventually, unfortunately, he left the forum.

How about you?
haven't been on bogleheads for a long time
of course, any of Taylor Larimore was good
I seem to remember livesoft
Nisiprius was good
I got sneered at for a post I made about investing and never returned. It's a rich man's club and I'm not in it.
I got sneered at for a post I made about investing and never returned. It's a rich man's club and I'm not in it.
Yes, it can be that way over there. I don't even consider myself to be one of them. I might have earned a 2 week ban over there after I got snarked at a few years back.
I don't bother posting over there anymore.
The guys I mentioned, though in the OP don't seem to have that superior attitude.
No one "stands out" to me, as a "very few" do here. Anyway, it's been years since I've been very active there, so I doubt that I would remember their names.
I remember Nisiprius chatting constantly about being in BND big time. He seemed like a guy who posted constantly.
I left Bogle about the time I quit listening to Dave Ramsay.

I've been a member on Bogleheads for about a long as I have followed this forum. I don't go there as much anymore, I think in part because of the (imo) heavy handed moderation and tendency for a few opinionated posters who seem to have all day, every day, to try to convince the internet of their brilliance.
Yes, they are very dogmatic over there. And Heaven help you if you post some idea that differs from their strict Bogleite doctrine.

There's a few level-headed posters -- erd50 offers some good guidance. And there's poster handle 'dbr' who also gives reasoning for his advice. Nispirius was always thoughtful.

I still visit the site to read recent posts, but they are all sing pretty much the same tune.
I owe longinvest a debt for VPW. Great spreadsheet. There are a couple of people that really know their tax stuff. Can't remember the names.

Unfortunately the Boglehead forum has two issues IMHO.
1) Often, someone will post a question and get a few answers. Then, two (or more) posters will start a pissing contest for a few dozen posts (or pages). Typically the OP doesn't even come back.
2) Too many "I have more net worth than 98% of the world and make more 99% of the world's people. Can I afford to retire?" posts.
I formerly spent a lot of time on BH, but it doesn't fit my needs as much as it did while I was in accumulation. Ergo, my impressions are probably dated.

I second the Nisiprius recommendation.

A longer list off the top of my head would include:
Arctic Pineapple
exchme (who I assume is our own exchme here)
jebmke (who I assume is our own jebmke here)
Phineas J. Whoopee
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I've been at BH for a long time. I am much more active over there under a different user name. I have learned so much there. They are just not as much fun as this group. There are some real jerks over there that like to derail threads.

retiredjg is a really smart lady
alex_(?) is really interesting because he works in the industry
there are a lot of really smart people there that are useful.

I agree that it can be heavy handed. I would never donate to them after they removed my signature, which was patriotic.
I post there from time to time. Frankly, most replies are repetitive, and are are a rehashing of what's in their wiki. Responses in a thread go on forever it seems, so it is not simple to review a topic.

As mentioned above, there are members who derail every topic, but I find that to be a consequence of any social media, and I mean any. If a forum does not have ignore or block features, much time is wasted going through responses.

I don't recall any members from the Morningstar forum or the website.

I stayed away from their site for quite a few years due to censorship, tracking, and so on. Today I think I detect a bit more tolerance for alternate views, but of course there's always a deluge of counter-posts when a thought when trigger topics come up.
I'm over there and post occasionally, but I don't follow it close enough to really identify who seems to really know what they are talking about. Just looking at page 1 of new posts on each board, their page has more threads and goes back only an hour right now, while it's 4 hours here, and this seems typical. I have a small number of BH posters I don't think much of, but I'm not going to post their handles.

BH is another place for information and entertainment, like here. I've been here a lot longer, and learned a lot here especially in the early days, so I'm more familiar with the posters here. Not saying I have nothing left to learn, but I doubt anything here or there will significantly change my plans anymore, but I try to keep an open mind.
I went to BH over ten years ago to get ideas on my VPW strategy when I was getting ready for FIRE. IIRC, it seemed like a contest to come up with the most complicated approach possible. l settled with implementing a very simple VPW approach (through surely less than optimum), which suits me nicely. I haven't been back to BH since.
Off the top of my head:

nisiprius - (investment returns & research)
Stinky (annuities, insurance)
bsteiner (legal)
Alan S. (tax issues)
White Coat Investor

Some other well known and highly respected folks post occasionally like Rick Ferri.
I have been a BH member for 15 years, as long as I have been here. I don't post there very often, as most topics don't interest me much. As for preferred posters, I do like Alan S. who knows a lot about ESOPs, the program which greatly helped me to ER 16 years ago. I can't say there are any posters I distinctly dislike.

The mods there are a lot quicker to shut down a thread, that's for sure. And that forum is a lot busier than this one is, as RunningBum said.

Many years ago, there was a thread about how people like to have their steaks cooked. I was like the only one who said Well Done and got roasted just for saying that (instead of all the Medium-Rare and Rare preferences of the others). It's the only time I had to complain to the moderators who........you guessed it.......shut the thread down. Even broken clocks are right twice a day!
Don't go there anymore, but always liked Nisiprius too.
The TIAA folks are knowledgeable and helpful, especially Crefwatch.
I always enjoyed the Munchkin Man’s posts. He had a way of posting about himself in the third person form. Made me laugh. The others I liked have all been mentioned.
I went to BH over ten years ago to get ideas on my VPW strategy when I was getting ready for FIRE. IIRC, it seemed like a contest to come up with the most complicated approach possible. l settled with implementing a very simple VPW approach (through surely less than optimum), which suits me nicely. I haven't been back to BH since.
The Jack Bogle philosophy was to keep things simple and low cost, letting compounding do its thing. The BogleHEADS can really get into intellectual BS that may be correct but may not, and adds little.
I think a lot of the time it's a contest for who is the smartest person in the room. You don't get that too often on this ER site, where the atmosphere is more cordial and supportive.
Off the top of my head:

nisiprius - (investment returns & research)
Stinky (annuities, insurance)
bsteiner (legal)
Alan S. (tax issues)
White Coat Investor

Some other well known and highly respected folks post occasionally like Rick Ferri.
That's a good list. I would add user McQ (Professor McQuarrie).
Nisiprius is my single favorite poster at BH.
That's a good list. I would add user McQ (Professor McQuarrie).
I wouldn't. And I don't think I'm the only one here. IMO he too often takes a flawed approach and surrounds it with a wall of words and tables of data. See the recent "Roth conversion in pictures thread", page 5 (currently the last page) as an example.
I wouldn't. And I don't think I'm the only one here. IMO he too often takes a flawed approach and surrounds it with a wall of words and tables of data. See the recent "Roth conversion in pictures thread", page 5 (currently the last page) as an example.
I often find his posts interesting, although they haven't affected my investing.
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