who is eligible for 3 years of Unemployment insurance?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 14, 2010
If you are laid off today, will you get UI for the next 3 years, or receive UI until the end of 2011 when the latest extension runs out again?
For now, UI lasts for 6 months, and any additional extensions will only last until the end of this month. Previously, when unemployment was at its peak, it was possible to draw for 99 weeks, or about 1.9 years.

There is a 50/50 chance that the temporary extensions will be reinstated for another period, it is not for certain at all, since the last extensions were barely passed, and only 6 months after the previous extensions had expired. Additionally, unemployment has gone down. As unemployment has dropped, the extensions have become increasingly unpopular.
From what I have read, no matter what is finally passed, 99 weeks is the end of the road for everyone. No more unemployment insurance at that point...
You get 26 weeks of unemployment throught your state. That won't change. During the recession, the federal government was giving extentions of up to 73 additional weeks for a total of up to 99 weeks. That will likely not continue, so people just now being laid off will get just their state-funded 26 weeks.
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