Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
That's the point. Most people on this forum stay fairly busy in their own way during retirement and one also has the choice to do nothing, which one can't do while working.I was reading an article on this very subject. Why do wealthy and mega rich continue working.
They continue working not for money but the challenge of making more money and they enjoy their work.
So many reads I have done on this subject of retiring early don't always view it as a positive thing for people that retire.
Work keeps people young and engaged with others and is healthier than a person in retirement.
So, who really knows which way is better for the average person. I sometimes have questioned my decision but I have been very busy and engaged with life and activities. Not enough time most days to get all I want to get accomplished.
I would add that some wealthy folks also continue to work, as the work satisfies their ego needs.