Today is my last day of work. I decided the time is right to ER at 48. I've worked smart for 34 years. Often worked long and hard Made good money and some bad. Everything has a price. Even security. How much is enough? Is enough, really enough? I decided I have enuf...
Money is an excellent servant but a terrible master.
The work environment has changed dramatically. Working for someone else, you are just as good as the numbers you produce, in fact, you yourself are just a number. And whatever you do, it isn't good enough (Time to raise the bar!) Perhaps it has always been that way. There is no more loyalty and the corporate greed thing (and American consumerism vis a vis today's geo-politics) can make one ill. Time to get off the treadmill.
No better than working for yourself, yeah, it is The American Dream and does give one a sense of independence and being your own boss...all with a price. Been there, done that too.
Now, seeing the state of world affairs and what is going down with the little guy (Northwest, Delphi, just the beginning) seems useless to continue to be a wage slave and pay taxes to a system that is broken in this New World Order. Where will it end? People are already making decisions to buy medication or buy food, to buy gas or stay warm...they will be loosing their homes and everything they have worked for. Sounds pretty depressing.
Yeah, we are transitioning into a global economy...pushing democracy into places where it isn't wanted.
Geez, what to do now? I think I'll go to Thailand and become a monk!
If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a fool about it."