Greetings all! and Happy New Years!
We have been retired going on 10 years now and I am thankful to this forum and its members for valuable advice and insights. We are now faced with another big decision in retirement when do we start taking SS benefits?
I'm wondering why I would wait to take Social Security early for my spouse and myself in our situation.
Me 62 healthy active, no meds or medical history yet. Spouse 65 in May of this year, Healthy, active no meds no medical history yet. Our family history suggests we may live to 85ish.
We have a very healthy funded over 115%, Cola linked pension with a 66% survivorship that covers most of our expenses except approx. $40,000 annually which can be tightened in down years to $15-$20K. We have IRA's and Roth IRA's, Taxable accounts of about $1,600,000. All in at 70% Equities mostly Index funds, VTI,etc. and 30% Fixed $225k being a fixed mortgage we hold @ 4.875% and the rest in CD's earning 4.5% in a 5 year ladder.
I know we don't need to take Social Security early, but I don't see the downside if we start taking it now we can keep most if not all of our Retirement accounts intact thereby keep earning interest for an additional 5 years for my spouse and 7 years for me.
My SS at 62 would be $750/mo. I have the pension so my SS earnings were restored with repeal of GPO and WEP this year.
Spouse's in May at age 65 will be $2000/mo.
If we waited until 70 for her and 67 for me our SS benefits would be $3900 per month.
Taking our $33,000/ year reduced benefits seems like we would be better off than waiting to collect a higher amount in 5 years time the break even point is around 81 years of age as I see it which doesn't factor in that my Retirement accounts will have not been touched at all during those 5 years as well as at least that 5 year amount not withdrawn will have seen a significant benefit for the 15 plus years to the break even estimate of 81 years of age.
I would love to hear some comments about this as our situation is a bit different as luckily my pension puts us just below the 22% tax bracket already and whether we take SS early or withdraw from Retirement accounts we will remain in the 22% bracket so not a lot of different strategies seem available to us.
We carry a mortgage, but the interest is 2.5% so we don't plan on paying it off early. and have no other debts and can control our mostly travel spending as needed in down market years as needed.
We have been retired going on 10 years now and I am thankful to this forum and its members for valuable advice and insights. We are now faced with another big decision in retirement when do we start taking SS benefits?
I'm wondering why I would wait to take Social Security early for my spouse and myself in our situation.
Me 62 healthy active, no meds or medical history yet. Spouse 65 in May of this year, Healthy, active no meds no medical history yet. Our family history suggests we may live to 85ish.
We have a very healthy funded over 115%, Cola linked pension with a 66% survivorship that covers most of our expenses except approx. $40,000 annually which can be tightened in down years to $15-$20K. We have IRA's and Roth IRA's, Taxable accounts of about $1,600,000. All in at 70% Equities mostly Index funds, VTI,etc. and 30% Fixed $225k being a fixed mortgage we hold @ 4.875% and the rest in CD's earning 4.5% in a 5 year ladder.
I know we don't need to take Social Security early, but I don't see the downside if we start taking it now we can keep most if not all of our Retirement accounts intact thereby keep earning interest for an additional 5 years for my spouse and 7 years for me.
My SS at 62 would be $750/mo. I have the pension so my SS earnings were restored with repeal of GPO and WEP this year.
Spouse's in May at age 65 will be $2000/mo.
If we waited until 70 for her and 67 for me our SS benefits would be $3900 per month.
Taking our $33,000/ year reduced benefits seems like we would be better off than waiting to collect a higher amount in 5 years time the break even point is around 81 years of age as I see it which doesn't factor in that my Retirement accounts will have not been touched at all during those 5 years as well as at least that 5 year amount not withdrawn will have seen a significant benefit for the 15 plus years to the break even estimate of 81 years of age.
I would love to hear some comments about this as our situation is a bit different as luckily my pension puts us just below the 22% tax bracket already and whether we take SS early or withdraw from Retirement accounts we will remain in the 22% bracket so not a lot of different strategies seem available to us.
We carry a mortgage, but the interest is 2.5% so we don't plan on paying it off early. and have no other debts and can control our mostly travel spending as needed in down market years as needed.