Why you chose your computer i.d. & what does it mean?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 10, 2007
How many times have I looked at someone's computer i.d. and thought, "now what the hell does that mean?" Obviously, someone chooses a name because of some special hidden significance. So, why did you choose the name you use on this board?
For instance, I chose mine in a hurry and, since I love flowers and orchids are one of my favorites, I just chose Orchid..and added the flower because I knew nobody else would have Orchidflower for a name. And I did want to identify myself as female, too.
So, why did you choose your name...and, more importantly, what the heck does it stand for? Or am I the only one that has wondered that on this board?
Dex - I like the sound of it & is short
I've discovered that people with numbers in their names are troublemakers. The more numbers, the more trouble ;)
Mine's pretty explanatory and it only has 1 number so I hope I'm not a trouble maker.:D
Mine comes from my life motto-better to be laughng than crying. As many will know, they can be close!

Mine is from my first and last names. It was my first username on a pre-web dial up shell account and I keep using it for most new stuff I sign up for.
I don't remember why I chose mine, I must be getting oldtimers.
Reflects my 2 favorite hobbies. Would have liked it to have also mentioned hiking, but I
no longer hike often enough to have it as part of my ID.
I was 51 when I started using Achiever, which was a code name for a project I once worked on.

And I'm really not a trouble-maker. Really.
Very interesting thread.....

I was thinking that retirement is what you enjoy after a fine career.....
Just like dessert after a fine meal.....:D
I wanted some variation on cat because I wanted my neighbor's cat as my avatar. I love the song "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred where he says he is too sexy for his cat, but in my case I'm afraid frugal is more accurate.
I won't feed the cat or let him inside (he's not my cat!) so the cat is sometimes peeved at me.
I'm an Arnie fan. One of my favorites is True Lies where his partner referred to Arnie as Twinkle Toes after he interruped a caper to dance the tango. Guess I could have used Terminator, or "crom" from Conan the Barbarian...no, wait, I should have use Gov! :)
Working in a factory with 3 Jims
The 101 was added to satisfy a forum registration glitch.
I like Formula One racing and was watching it when I signed up for another blog. Decided to keep it when I came here.
I guess mine is mysterious............:)
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