This is a good thread for me to follow. It is something I need to get moving on. Our 3200+ sq house has 3 finished levels, and the router (Netgear AC3600) is in the finished basement because that is where 2 cable runs were done (for TV and router) and the majority of my wired devices are there. While I do get a signal throughout the house and outside, a quck speedtest gives results that are telling and intriguing:
- wired: 480Mbps download
- wireless, basement: 186 Mbps (phone) 90 Mbps (laptop)
- wireless, 1st floor: 125 Mbps (phone), 171Mbps (laptop)
- wireless, 2nd floor: 43Mbps (phone), 31Mbps (laptop)
I'm too lazy/unskilled" to fish wiring between floors; if we need wired speed on the 1st or 2nd floor, I run a long cable up the staircase and along the wall as needed... not aesthetically pleasing, but temporary, out of the way and it does the job
My main requirement for a mesh network is that I do not want to be "forced" to use a phone app for configuration... call me 'old school', but I find it easier to configure via the web interface, particularly as I use a lot of configuration options.
Time to look again at what is out there. Maybe this will be my Christmas present for myself