Wondering where to go from here.....

Quick update. Turned down a couple of opportunities or returning to FT as manufacturing leader. Amazing how good it felt!

Heading out to a local brewery in a few minutes for "orientation" as a newly hired (10-15 hrs/wk) bartender! 🍻

This harkens back to how I worked my way through college many years ago, and will get me out of the house a couple of days a week!

Good for you! A bartending job (or something similar) will also help reset your mental image of yourself. Many people "are" their job. This provides a nice off ramp into the reality of who you really are as a person.

"What am I doing here? I"m a vice president!!" then: "No, you're not anymore...you're you...be you".
Good luck. Sounds good. Now go have a drink.

Quite a different Gig. Enjoy and let us know how bar tending goes.
Thanks! I'll update as I see how it moves forward. Interestingly, the owner of the winery the DW and I are founding members of was at the brewery and told me to stop by next week. I told him I was doing 10-15 hours per week at the brewery and he said he is always looking for p/t help that can fill in for others as needed. Could be another gig!

I need things to get me out of the house, that aren't about spending money (which is what I seem to be doing whenever I go out)!

Just so you know - you can't use an HSA for health insurance premiums.

    You can use HSA funds to pay for COBRA healthcare continuation coverage.

  • Unemployment
    You can use HSA funds to pay for healthcare coverage while receiving unemployment compensation under federal or state law.

    • Medicare
      You can use HSA funds to pay for Medicare and other health care coverage if you were 65 or older, but not for premiums for a Medicare supplemental policy.

Luckily, we are at the end of the year, so next year's income will count for ACA, if you decide to go that way.
    You can use HSA funds to pay for COBRA healthcare continuation coverage.

  • Unemployment
    You can use HSA funds to pay for healthcare coverage while receiving unemployment compensation under federal or state law.

    • Medicare
      You can use HSA funds to pay for Medicare and other health care coverage if you were 65 or older, but not for premiums for a Medicare supplemental policy.

Luckily, we are at the end of the year, so next year's income will count for ACA, if you decide to go that way.
Yes. My plan is to use HSA for Medicare.

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