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The advice to increase insulin sensitivity is very good! Strength training for that - had forgotten that particular benefit. Plus older ladies need to strength training anyway to maintain general fitness. And also be sure to get plenty of protein - we really need it to help maintain muscle mass.I’m not medical professional, but I spent 30 years selling diabetes products, glucose meters, A1C meters, diabetes meds.
You have no concerns, almost zero. Fasting glucose under 100 is not in diabetic range. A1C of 5.8 is no issue. If it’s under 5.5 you are not pre-diabetic. Very few peps with pre-diabetes convert to diabetes. Obviously, some do but not many.
American Diabetes Association describes type 2 as A1C over 6.5. Fasting glucose over 125.
In fact I’d refuse therapy if I were you. Should the doctor offer.
What I would do is add weight lifting to your fitness routine. Specifically heavy lifting. Weights that really strain you. It causes your body to use stored glucose and increase insulin sensitivity.
Likely your doctor is In “cover your a** mode”. He/she needs to document they discussed the ramifications with you.
I know that for many older women the conditioning has been to avoid meat and fat for health reasons, but that’s probably the opposite of what you need at that age.
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