No surprise CA and NY are always in the list, however plenty of retirees live a happy life there
I'm retired in California, and I must say, I'd never leave it for the problems it now has. Afterall, they are not MY problems. Homelessness; nope. Got my home. Cost of insurance, groceries, gas, water, etc. Nope, I'm funded. Crowded; nope, it's a big state after all and almost all the population lives in two densely populated areas. Easy to just pick one that fits your ideal. For me, it's mountains with its camping, fishing and skiing.
Politics: I cancelled my daily newspaper and quit watching Lester Holt on the evening news. It's so easy to ignore their barking if you chose not to listen to them! Maybe someday that will catch up to someone, but at my age, nope! I'm more likely to die before the politicians can seriously interrupt my lifestyle. Taxes: Nope, I pay under 10% of my taxable income to the state. Sales tax, no worse than other states, property tax, capped with Prop.13, gas tax is high, but our cars get over 30 miles per gallon, so it's hardly much of our monthly budget anyways. I spend more per month on water, electric, trash and TV/internet than fuel. I will say that the roads are awful, but if I were in charge, I'd doze all the pavement, make everything a dirt road and relax while driving instead of the Indy500-style it is today. But that's hardly a California issue, it's our national culture. Medical care; never had any problems seeing a doctor, hospital care or dental care for that matter. Crime? Living in a rural county, our sheriff issues 'concealed carry' permits to anyone who hasn't a felony and within 2 weeks of application. He says it makes his job easier in a mountainous and large county he's tasked to patrol. I've never been a victim of any conventional crime while living here. The only one I'm aware of with friends, neighbors and family is stuff taken from a garage left open overnight.
With both enough funding and a mindset that you are satisfied with what that amount is, California has the best weather, food, outdoor activities and most of all my family, than any other place.
Income from pension and Social Security is $10K monthly after taxes. Basic expenses are $3,500 monthly. Budget is $5,000 monthly. We bank the rest until we have a year's worth, then blow it on property improvements. With 5 acres, we now consider our place an estate, not a house in the woods. We grow most of our own food, harness our own electricity via solar, Shop with value in mind instead of wasting it on things. For our lifestyle, California is our ideal.