Would you rather be young again or be rich?

I would want to go back to when I started my business....and do it all over again. It was so much fun in the early years. My wife was right in the middle of it & we were truly a team. Other than that I'm holding pat
I would want to go back to when I started my business....and do it all over again. It was so much fun in the early years. My wife was right in the middle of it & we were truly a team. Other than that I'm holding pat
Me too. The first 25 years were fun, then it turned into hard work. I left before I turned into a grumpy old businessman.
I vote for a poll? Too late? OK, then I'm rich by my standards, so I'd favor youth.
Suddenly being <insert young age> as of year 2025 is not as appealing as being that age in, oh, 1975. Due to assorted reasons, some discussed in other threads, IMO future prospects do not look as rosy in 2025.
I’m happy with my current life and wouldn’t make different choices. I feel like I am exactly where I’m supposed to be. The only thing I miss from my 20s is my hair 😁
OK, how about this one:
Would you like to go back to a certain moment in time, and make a different decision?
I can think of about 100 of those moments. I know exactly which one I'd start with, too.
Every time this question comes up, that's exactly what runs through my mind. And my choice would depend on if I carried what I now know. ......Stay in the Army or chase the girl..
I chased the girl, who destroyed me and my dreams... But chasing her lead me back to a place I never would have returned to, and chance meeting, because of people I knew through her, met DW and the great race we have had ever since...
If I had to start with no knowledge of the future, I would say no.
If I could keep the knowledge with knowing that the road would be twice as hard... I would do it in a heartbeat.
Knowing what I know now, and being young might be dangerous to my family and my health. I wouldn't want to live through some of the things that caused grief in losing loved ones. All of these experiences make me who I am, and I am happy with where I am in the world.
I just need young joints, spine and memory. I have more than enough money. Maybe more robust lungs too.
Sufficient funds, good health. Like that I can sit back and marvel all the things I've done, places, adventures, scary events and survived to 77.
And, I can sit back close my eyes and can be in any of the places, have a big grin on my mug. Or recall the terrors if I so choose.
Don't need movies or videos, my memories are better then anything a movie maker can conjure up.
Years ago a barista, who was psych major asked what movie I seen recently. My answer, why would I pay to see somebody else's fantasy when from my experiences I can create any show I want and play it in my mind.
The only thing I can not conjure up is live band's music, gotta go and hear it and experience it.

I know how to make money and could do it again. All you need is discipline and time.

It’s the time thing that I can’t do on my own!
I have no idea how to make money... didn't then, and don't know. I'm a buy-and-hold investor in index funds. Starting over, I'd have done the same thing, with the same outcome, assuming that overall history was the same.

Let's play an alternative game: suppose that you could live to age 200, in the same health - mental and physical - as you have now. Would you do it? I wouldn't!!
I have no idea how to make money... didn't then, and don't know. I'm a buy-and-hold investor in index funds. Starting over, I'd have done the same thing, with the same outcome, assuming that overall history was the same.

Let's play an alternative game: suppose that you could live to age 200, in the same health - mental and physical - as you have now. Would you do it? I wouldn't!!
In the same health I have right now?

Sign me up. Just make sure the same applies to the important people in my life.
Seems to me an odd "choice." Like where I am at. Why look back?
I would NEVER want to be young again. Too much anxiety about the future - I’d rather look back at the past with fondness. I had a great life and I’m only getting happier every year. There’s nothing i would want to change and I have no bucket list either so even if i drop dead tomorrow I’d feel that my life is complete.

Money? Sure, I like it but I doubt I’ll be able to spend what i accumulated. In other words: I’m good. I neither want to be young nor rich.
I have a very good looking friend and she is about 54 yo now and she declared if she were to be born again, she wanted to come back rich and pretty. She is already drop dead gorgeous and obviously doesn't see herself the same way. She is married to someone who knows how to make a ton of money and they have a pretty good life. I do get it that she might be saying that she wants to be independently wealthy and not need to rely on her spouse. So in her case she probably prefers to be rich. :)
Money can be made, lost, and made again. J.C. Penny started his department store chain at age 61. Saul Price was well into middle age when he founded Price Club.

I’ll take young.
Neither. I am relatively at peace with what has happened and content with what I have in the time remaining.

There are no do-overs.
This is a quote by Akio Morita, the co-founder of Sony Corporation. I think I would rather be young again and make different choices.
This is a very troubling question for me. Overall, I am happy, have enough money to do the stuff I really want to and so far am in good health.
Looking back, with hindsight, I would certainly make some different choices along the way. Would I be any wiser if I was young again? I would probably stumble through life again and be right here where I am meant to be.
This is a very troubling question for me. Overall, I am happy, have enough money to do the stuff I really want to and so far am in good health.
Looking back, with hindsight, I would certainly make some different choices along the way. Would I be any wiser if I was young again? I would probably stumble through life again and be right here where I am meant to be.
I consider myself lucky this go around, if I tried again I think I would end up worse.
Time travel seems like it would be a different question, if the choice is richer versus younger, I'm thinking that is like 'postulate that pharma/biotech comes out with a product that restores your physical youth (maintaining your current personal history), what percent of your net-worth would you be willing to pay for it?'

That is a hard question for me, if I had to pay 100% of my net worth and have no home and have to get a job and rent and try to save up to buy a home, etc., that would be so depressing, but if other people were doing it, I might be influenced by envy.

I find that I like the current situation of knowing everyone will die even if they are very rich.
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