I failed retirement after one year. I was 47 and single, with a decent stash. I travelled a lot, met up old friends from all over the world, volunteered a little. After about 18 months, I was starting to feel rudderless. An old colleague called and suggested I would be great for a project. He introduced me to his CEO, and I was very impressed. I took the job with little due diligence. BIG MISTAKE. It was everything I hated about corporate roles, lots of politics, relationship based rather than merit oriented, and a few less than ethical players. I cleaned up the mess I landed in, and felt good about that. I finally left with twice the net worth I started with. But honestly, it was money I really didn't need, and I won't get that time back. When I retired for good a few years later, I decided to find my own purpose, not rely on a company to define it for me. Six years so far , and still going great!