You helped me make the decision to be FIRE'd.

Pulling out my introductory thread again. It appears our medical director is pulling out the OMY routine on me. I have 16 work days left, and he has asked me to consider working at our second hospital in a different capacity. The stress level on mind and body is about 1/5 that where I work now. The money would be about half and doesn't include health insurance.

It would help with expenses this next 12 months but is it worth it?

I don't know, I guess we'll make the old pros and cons list and see how it shapes up.

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Well, this comes from a former teacher who retired with a MUCH lower net worth than yours. But my OMY experience was similar. The school offered me other options, but I still had a strong sense that it was time for me to leave (mainly because DH was terminally ill). But then they offered me a 2-day/month mentoring position (helping new staff meet their state licensing requirements), which I did take. I only did it for the first 4 years of ER, and the extra $ was nice. But DH and I were very happy to learn that we were able to live on less than we had planned for in ER. And that added to my happiness that I took the plunge when I did.

We never wanted for anything and enjoyed some luxuries. Of course, the best part was that we had two good years of ER before he passed away. I could have spent those two years slaving away on the job while his health continued to decline. It's such a relief to look back and know that I made the right choice.

Even without DH's health issues, though, ER was worth the risk. It has been WAY more affordable than our calculations had predicted.
So Sorry, E/W Gal......

I didn't read the dates on your original posts, so just noticed your 7/16 update describing your decision to fully retire. Congratulations! Your practice was fortunate that you stayed with them a couple years longer than expected. But it also sounds like you came to a point where you "had your fill" of all the logistics that had so little to do with caring for your patients.

Am so glad that you now will have time to enjoy your interests!!

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