Your Bing/Google Results

Birdie Num Nums

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Mar 28, 2010
Have you done a Web and/or image search on Bing or Google, or whatever Internet search engine, of your name lately?

I did, just now. Thankfully, despite all the "business" I do on the Web--such as posting on forums such as this and lots of other stuff--I am just about nowhere to be found, unless you know where to look.

While there are indeed Web pages that do accurately name me (but those "name" results usually lead to people sharing my name but not actually me), so far there are no images of me on the Internet. (Well, OK, there are a couple. But, again, you have to know where to look.)

What about you?
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Hmmm...7 of the top 10 results were obituaries. Thankfully, none were mine.
6 years ago when I left Los Angeles for the Bay Area, one of the radio stations in LA invited me on for a 1 hour interview/guest stint. A quick Google search revealed that the archived audio for the show is still on their website. It was quite funny to find this reminder of my life before I began spending my days in pajamas hanging around with my cats - almost feels like another world!
Haven't googled myself for years. I found nothing to speak of on me but an image of one of my brother's gravestone came up as well as an image of my other brother's obituary (

Edit: Digging to the second page of Google results I did find a 2006 NY Times article where I was quoted. My 15 minutes of fame... :)
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Due to my former job, a few results come up when googling my name. Additionally, my (real) last name is a common English word, so in between the real results about me, there are some hilarious things that come up. All in all, I don't care a bit! :D None of the results bother me at all.

Hmmm...7 of the top 10 results were obituaries. Thankfully, none were mine.
That would bother me if I saw a lot of obituaries! Luckily, I don't.
My full name is very uncommon possibly unique, so I got a fair number of hits since I've been on internet since before the beginning. But nothing too scandalous.
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I'm easy to find via search since I speak at conferences whose proceedings are published on the web, write technical papers, and am on LinkedIn. But mostly good things have occurred (e.g. recruiters contacting me, folks wanting me to speak at conferences, or having questions on/getting compliments about items I have published).
If I google my name I see results from my professional work life, entries for family companies and employers that I was an officer of, a few community activity entries, etc. Nothing scandalous. Interesting that I could only find one image.
Both DW and I have actors , musicians that stole our names. So lots of hits, but none of us. So sad to be anomous.
My name is too common for my specific links to come up as top hits. If I add a key word from w*rk I can get a few pages of links related to me. I noticed that there are few images that are not longer showing. I guess they have retired those servers. I guess your digital footprint doesn't necessarily live forever on the internet.
I came up as a business. Amazing how many directories and Angie list type of sites are out there. Didn't realize how many jobs I created. lol
My last name is not common but apparently there are many people that do have it. So with my first name yeah there are a lot of hits but none are for me. I'll tell you a secret - I really don't exist I am a bot. ;) One link had photos, I wish I looked as good as that guy! :LOL:
Google currently has 572 references and two images of me. They seem to be all career related.
Nothing exciting in my search. Only thing that is mildly interesting is being listed as a winner in homebrew contests years ago. Google images shows pictures of rescue beagles.
I also have an uncommon last name. I am usually the only one in a thick phone book.
Nothing came up on my vanity search for me, but I did find a Dentist with my exact name not too far from here. Would'nt that be fun?
Have you done a Web and/or image search on Bing or Google, or whatever Internet search engine, of your name lately?

What about you?

My name is not so common, so a search of my name yields top hits on google search (50k+ hits) top return for the categories; web, pics, books, patents, scholarly articles, videos, word orgins, etc.

My first email address was in 1981, I own my name ******.com, so I expect my digital life will out live me.
I also ruled out hiding from the NSA. -;)
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I didn't even find me on Facebook (a couple of others with the same name but I wasn't listed).

It did have my profile on LinkedIn. Anyone know how to delete or cancel a LinkedIn account?

I found out how to do this and have canceled my LinkedIn account.
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I found some obituaries, but fortunately they were for the wrong guy. Didn't see much else but it's a common name anyway.
Since the last time I did this quite a few more links and images come up, but almost all are in Great Britain or Ireland, with a couple from Down Under. Lots of rugby and football links.

There are a few links and pics from Japan, and but they all look just like my son. By coincidence, he lives in Japan.
I have an unusual surname. When I searched Google images for it, I got photos of my older brother (from professional conferences and probably his employer's website), my dad & younger brother (from obits) and one of my seven nieces. I don't participate directly in social media like Facebook, linked-in etc but my father did, and he or one of my nieces may possibly have posted pictures of me there. Fortunately for me, there is a real estate agent in NYC with the same first name as mine. Most of the photos that come up in a google image of our name aren't me. A few of the hits from a google web search of our name are me, but most of them are her. That suits me just fine. Maybe one of these days I will contact her to see if we're related—she's also black.
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I didn't even find me on Facebook (a couple of others with the same name but I wasn't listed).

It did have my profile on LinkedIn. Anyone know how to delete or cancel a LinkedIn account?

I found out how to do this and have canceled my LinkedIn account.
They make it hard to close it, don't they? ;)

I joined long ago at the behest of an old friend. The only things that came out of that were unsolicited offers of employment and requests to 'friend' (?) people I did not know. The last straw was getting an invitation to 'friend' an old boss whom I detested. Nuts to that. I also found that the rigid format of experience LinedIn wanted did not suit me. If I ever decide to re-connect, I will put a minimal description and a link to a personal web page. (Unlike many here, I will not be in a great financial position and may have to find odd jobs. Also unlike many here, I like my work, so no biggie.)

My name is not common but Google has detailed information on where I have lived all over the country. Oddly enough, there are several people with the same name on LinkedIn and one well-known professional bowler. There is info on my sainted parents. No photos of me anywhere anymore, but there was when I was giving training.
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