your message is too short


Dryer sheet wannabe
Apr 20, 2007
I just spent about 10 minutes trying to post a long reply, and kept getting a "your message is too short" message (and therefore wouldn't let me post). I was using firefox (i think it also happened with explorer). All i know is that i cut out the last line of the message and finally it posted correctly.
I'm sorry you had trouble. There is a minimum post length but it's only a few characters. If this continues, please use the contact us link at the bottom of the page to contact our tech support desk and we'll try to help you get this resolved.
I had the same experience a couple of days ago too, but a little later on I tried again and it worked normally......I think it might have been caused by little green men in my computer.


(BTW, it only happened to me that one time.....not before then, nor since.)

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