Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
You may already know this, but is worth repeating -
After the last use, drain most of the fuel from the tank and run the generator dry. Add a little gas treated with preservative to the tank and repeat, then drain the carb fuel bowl.
I use white gas instead of the treated gas with excellent results - one or two pulls next use with fresh gas in the tank.
I nominated myself "lawn boy" which primarily entailed mowing the lawn weekly at a dead relative's house over a couple of summers before it sold.
Even running their lawnmower dry in the fall on ethanol-free gasoline I found I couldn't get it started until I removed the float bowl and cleaned it and the jet (conveniently cut into the bolt that held on the float bowl) with automotive carburetor cleaner.
Then once re-assembled & filled with fresh ethanol-free fuel the mower would fire right up...engine was one of the newer, choke-less designs.
Never had a need for expensive, canned fuel...I always used ethanol-free gasoline which is still only ~$3/gallon here locally for (93 octane) premium.
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