Happy to be ER'd today at 53


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Site Team
Jul 18, 2010
I joined back in the summer when ER became a serious possibility. Thanks to everyone here for the great information and advice. After 31+ years in IT, split between two megacorps, I am ready for something new. Already have two major volunteer gigs - board of directors for a large local nonprofit and committee service in my church denomination's regional governing body. Hope to teach business or IT management as an adjunct at one of the local colleges, and would like to try my hand at some consulting after taking a few months off to decompress a bit. And...already got talked into learning how to play golf. DH also retired, but I don't think we'll get in each other's way much!

Anyway, happy to be here and look forward to contributing more! Heading out for a celebration dinner now! :clap:
Enjoy your celebration dinner!!!!!
So exciting! i look forward to regular reports. :D
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