


I'm 24 and graduated from college about 10 months ago.  Before graduation, I had two job offers.  I took the one that offered less money and was located in a very expensive area (washington dc).  Financially I would be a whole lot better off if I stayed at home in Phoenix but I wanted to explore a little.  

I work for a defense contractor doing software development.  My company has 130,000 employees and I think the bureaucracy we have to live with can be compared to the federal government.  This stuff really annoys me.  I want to write code dammit, not fill out stupid forms and go to dumb meetings and take boring classes.  

A few years ago I had hopes to jump directly into the corporate world as a consultant, where I would have to deal with corporate bs but wouldn't have to really be a part of it.  The market wasn't right for that when I graduated but I have major plans to save a nice emergency fund and in say, 4 years quit the company and move back to Phoenix to do consulting.  I say 4 years because I'm involved with my company's "engineering leadership development program" which is a just-out-of-college program (more corporate BS) where I attend leadership conferences (boring classes), take on a new assignment every year (variety is good) and get my graduate degree within 3 years (I have to pay back the money if I quit before a year after I graduate). I decided all this extra work is worth it because I will get much better pay raises for each of the 3 years (7-12%).  

I want to retire when I'm 35.  Or maybe 40.  I'm pinching every penny right now, putting 16% into my 401K, $250 a month into a Roth IRA, and $300 into a Money Market.  My rent is really high and that takes up 30% of my salary (I prefer to live alone).  I don't have any of my budget allocated towards clothing, entertainment, electronics and computer equipment so I rely on the sporadic $ I make writing articles for computer magazines.  Being able to spend that money (minus the tax % I have to set aside) really motivates me to come up with new articles.

Before I continue writing a book, I just want to say that I'm really excited about the RE web site and the other intro posts here are very interesting.  
I'm self proclaiming myself the RE make sure you don't miss today guy. ;)

At 24 you need to make sure you enjoy yourself a little now too, you are only a twentysometing once and it is a great time.

At 27 I am now saving plenty but I make sure that that is not my whole life. A pile of money for no purpose can lead to an empty existence.

I know cuz I used to be extreme and not spend on anything, and eventuallyy became dissatisifed with my life. Then I went th other way and spent like a fool and now have achieved a nice balance. I hope you already have.

I could save more to maybe move the plan up a couple years but having friends already who have had strokes and cancer and what not it makes me think sometimes is it worth worrying whether I retuire at 35 or 38. Too many unknowns.

OK I feel better now, that being said, keep up the good work!

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