Bernicke's Reality Retirement Plan

Your statement that "you can't add something new to your schedule without removing something" might be true for the anecdotal examples you gave, but is totally bogus for others. Folks fall into this trap sometimes, thinking a few anecdotal examples can be generalized to everyone in all situations.

Which is exactly my point. People only think of the addition, without considering whether there is partial or full compensation. In many cases, doing something requires not doing another thing, and it is worth the evaluation for each item.

Whether you assume there's a compensation each time, or neglect it each time, you've fallen into what you appear to refer to as a "trap".

Decision-making that helps you reach your goals assumes nothing, and evaluates everything, at least a little bit.
People only think of the addition, without considering whether there is partial or full compensation.
It's clear that's the way you think OD but your outlook doesn't apply to everyone. I don't think along those lines. Many others on this forum don't either. You should consider looking at all sides of a situation and not assuming your own life experiences and circumstances apply to everyone and everything.
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