Need your help

The low monthly cost (approx $12/month based on my renewal cost 3 years ago) and freedom from having to buy/install/update COTS shrink wrap financial tracking software is my justification for the subscription cost.

You pay $360 for this? ...every three years? What kind of ROI do you get?
I like to use a fairly simple excel spreadsheet that has all my accounts in one spot. Unlike the fancier tools, it is transparent (no need to worry about how MoneyQuickenWhatever categorizes the beaver cheese futures position) and I can customize it any way I like.

Having said that, OP, you may want to consider finding a fee-only planner who can help keep tabs on your portfolio.
Yikes...all the drama required to backup the backup....doesn't anybody do hard copies anymore?

Well, sort of.
Besides the external hard drive, I do an annual backup to CD. I probably should do it more often. The thought of printing and then re-keying all that information is too daunting to even consider.
I'm with Brewer on this. A software package is not going to help you if you don't have the desire (discipline, whatever) to manage your portfolio and make the necessary changes to lifestyle from time to time. Better to spend some money on a trusted adviser than to wake up one day to find that only drastic measures will save your retirement. All the best with whatever you decide.
If you have an account with Vanguard they have a "My Portfolio" tool that also allows you to input non-Vanguard assets. This software will keep track of your investments and also provide asset allocation information. Simple, easy to set-up, requires little maintenance, and the price is right - free.

The suggestion from REWahoo is the path I intend to follow. Starting an account at Vanguard has been on my mind for some time. Thanks again for all the suggestions from everyone. Greatly appreciate the help.
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