Why I LOVE any climate


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
May 28, 2006
west coast, hi there!
I was not sure, should I vote for "why I hate colder climates" or "why I hate warmer climates"? As of this writing the cold climate haters are winning.

So to resolve this issue I started this thread. :)

Disclaimer: I've always lived in a Mediterranean climate on the West Coast. No real experience with extremes.
I suppose 'Why I HATE any climate' will be the finale...

No place is perfect, though much of the left coast looks best for the USA. Too bad we can't afford to live anywhere out there. And there are wonderful seasons everywhere, I can put up with the bad seasons easy enough, I've learned to live near Chicago (winter brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)...
People seem to be forgetting that there is an easy solution to the climate problem.

Step 1. Win the lottery.

Step 2. Buy a home in each climate zone and fully staff them with servants.

Step 3. Use your private jet to move around according to the season.

No big deal.
In my defense, I did not pick the West Coast. My parents came here from middle to lower middle Depression era backgrounds in the East. I was born here and worked here all my life.

I think you can love almost any climate (not just your own), but it's just a theory.
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People seem to be forgetting that there is an easy solution to the climate problem.

Step 1. Win the lottery.

Step 2. Buy a home in each climate zone and fully staff them with servants.

Step 3. Use your private jet to move around according to the season.

No big deal.

Or you can do it on the cheap, like lots of RV fulltimers. Many of them basically follow the sun, moving south in the winter and north in the summer.
No place is perfect...

Tradewind cooling. No need for air conditioning. No need for heat. Year-round average temps from 75-85 with "extremes" of high 50s and low 90s once or twice per year.

Tradewind cooling. No need for air conditioning. No need for heat. Year-round average temps from 75-85 with "extremes" of high 50s and low 90s once or twice per year.

No winter? No Fall? Sounds like a nice place to visit, but...

Tradewind cooling. No need for air conditioning. No need for heat. Year-round average temps from 75-85 with "extremes" of high 50s and low 90s once or twice per year.

My former in-laws lived in Orange County, California. When visiting Hawaii, they always made a point of loudly saying that the humidity and heat were intolerable. I am sure they would have complained bitterly about cold weather in colder climates.

Given the importance of factors like crime, city/town/village size, cost of living, and more, I really don't see any justification in making climate one's top priority in searching for a retirement home, at all. None of the responses to my thread have seemed to present significant reasons for doing so, IMO. But then, we are all different, I suppose...
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People seem to be forgetting that there is an easy solution to the climate problem.

Step 1. Win the lottery.

Step 2. Buy a home in each climate zone and fully staff them with servants.

Step 3. Use your private jet to move around according to the season.

No big deal.

I'd say you need to broaden your horizons!

Ever heard of commerical airlines? For $150 you can fly to FLA on JetBlue for the winter. Of course, they make you sit next to perfect strangers (vs a private jet) but they get you there in the same amount of time.

For less than $2K a month you can rent a nice place for three months (Jan, Feb, March) near the beach --sorry, no servants-- and then head back north for another $150.

No lottery winnings required.

Tradewind cooling. No need for air conditioning. No need for heat. Year-round average temps from 75-85 with "extremes" of high 50s and low 90s once or twice per year.

How's the humidity there? Being surrounded by water, i'm guessing it's high. Based on responses by several people in another thread, I think many would "need" a/c if they lived in Hawaii. It sounds nice to me though. I just need someone to give me 7 figures so I can move there.
No way I'd ever try to convince anyone the climate in the DC area is ideal. It's not! But we like it here anyway.

Thing is, most places have their good and bad points. One thing I've found when traveling is to find something you like about the place you're visiting and mention it to locals. Great way to make new friends:)

I'm amazed how many of our friends who live in other areas like to put down where we live. Makes me think about what my parents taught me as a young girl...

if you don't have anything nice to say... - YouTube
I new I'd missed something in my people skills. I will definitely have to remember Thumper's lesson. :)
Well....... So far this summer Seattle has had a total of 50 minutes of 80 degrees and over weather. Yep, fifty minutes.
My Mom [-]drilled it into my head[/-] said it to me all the time too, must have been in the manual for that generation...

Yeah. Me too. My folks also gave me Bambi and Thumper stuffed animals. And read those Dr. Spock books. Amazing I survived;)
Well....... So far this summer Seattle has had a total of 50 minutes of 80 degrees and over weather. Yep, fifty minutes.
Well, that's the marine climate for you.

You know we've only had summer for 15 days, and real summer doesn't start for another 10 days. Patience!

-- Rita
Well....... So far this summer Seattle has had a total of 50 minutes of 80 degrees and over weather. Yep, fifty minutes.

Meanwhile, here on the east coast...So far this summer we've had a total of 50 minutes of 80 degrees and below weather. Yep, fifty minutes.
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But to answer the original post:

Why I Love Any Climate? I'm alive. Any day on the bright side, is a good day.

Tradewind cooling. No need for air conditioning. No need for heat. Year-round average temps from 75-85 with "extremes" of high 50s and low 90s once or twice per year.

Okay, I'm sold.

Now all I have to do is convince DW.
we're snowbirds... Chicago area/Leesburg Fl...
Decided to enjoy the non winter, winter this year, no snow...and didn't go back to FL 'til March... Early summer in FL... 90's as soon as we got there, and stayed that way until we came back to IL... June 22... Since then, our daily temperature has been in the 90s' and 100's as it is right now. AAAArgh!
Back in New England, they used to say, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute". Now we're waiting... Forecast for the next week is high 90's during the day.
We pray over the A/C each day.

If it gets any drier, we've decided to go out an buy a camel.
People seem to be forgetting that there is an easy solution to the climate problem.

Step 1. Win the lottery.

Step 2. Buy a home in each climate zone and fully staff them with servants.

Step 3. Use your private jet to move around according to the season.

No big deal.

Yep. this was my plan. Works well.
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