I almost forgot!!!

Sounds like a good place to work.... the bad places are the ones that have the REAL posters.
"Motivational" posters

Our conference room was practically wallpapered with motivational posters. But after prolonged exposure you tend to ignore them.

With the posters' impact dulled by excess repetition, I realized that I could order most of the Despair catalog and quietly replace one poster at a time. Plotting this scheme got me through many meetings-- which one I'd replace first, when I'd do it, how often, and so on.

Then word of the website spread through the whole command and samples started popping up on everyone's desks. I realized that it was too well-known to make the prank worth the effort.

So perhaps someone else could try this at their company?

Hey, "The Art of Demotivation" should be published by April! http://www.despair.com/artofde.html
Thank you for the great site, I've been reading them off to my family. Would much rather see some of these on the walls then look at another lets all work together one.
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