heart disease reversal

Al, the curls are a by-product of always doing that lift with dumbbells since I was a much younger guy. There are other moves that I am not so good at -like bench presses.
Bikerchick (love that name!) It's very similar to Ornish's approach, but in my case, stricter -It's Caldwell Esselstyn,s approach as I pointed out much earlier in this thread. http://www.heartattackproof.com/:)

I went to the website and did a little reading. Now I understand why you are quite confident you won't have another "event."
I get blood results every few months under Dr. Esslestyn's program. Here are my latest numbers (last week): Triglycerides-86; total cholesterol-129; HDL-48; LDL-64; VLDL-17; cholesterol ratio-2.7; fasting glucose-82. The fasting glucose is particularly encouraging as it used to be much higher when I was eating more of the SAD (standard American diet). :)
The changes you made to regain your health were drastic but it must feel wonderful to know your survival is in your own hands. It amazes me to think our society believes a pill can create the positive changes in the body equivalent to the changes your are creating through diet. The drug companies are using a pea shooter. You have brought out the big guns to slay the heart disease dragon.

Would you share what you ate the last couple of days?
I get blood results every few months under Dr. Esslestyn's program. Here are my latest numbers (last week): Triglycerides-86; total cholesterol-129; HDL-48; LDL-64; VLDL-17; cholesterol ratio-2.7; fasting glucose-82. The fasting glucose is particularly encouraging as it used to be much higher when I was eating more of the SAD (standard American diet). :)

Are you following Dr. Esslestyn's program on your own or are you being supported and monitored in your cardiac rehab program?
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