Statin Wars?

So the carotid doppler that I take every year is useless? Well, crap. I just can't win. Statins are the devil and now the test I take to check on the progression of my carotid artery disease is "useless". I can only guess that the Stress test and Echocardiogram I also just had have been debunked by somebody, somewhere.

I think I'll stop going to the doctor and just sit at home and eat donuts.

My DW's mother and grandmother both had aortic aneurysm, so she gets this test every couple of years, so it's an important test for many conditions.
CSPI has a large campaign to lower salt intake in the US. But it's not clear from studies that the US dietary recommended salt intake is good for health. Some studies indicate that too low salt intake corresponds with cardiovascular disease and that in fact the US average intake is at the lowest end of what is the healthiest range. So trying to go lower is not better for most people - those not battling high blood pressure.
That's a good example.

I'm pretty sure the people at CSPI have no fun in life and don't enjoy anything they eat. Just when the news is calm, quiet, and nice, they'll pop up with some story that somehow gets massive news coverage. After all, how can we actually be calm and enjoy life, especially what we eat?

It is usually something like: "School lunches need an overhaul now." And the next thing you know our kids are absolutely miserable because they are being served broccoli rabe which makes them feel starved. The next thing you know they rebel and find a way to either pick up vaping or at the least hit the Oreos hard.
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