Would like to recommend a financial podcast


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Apr 13, 2007
Is putting a link or a reference to a financial podcast site allowed on this forum?

A guy that I had some messages with on another forum a few years ago had sold his company in 1998, got in with private bankers who lost half of his nest egg for him, decided to learn how to run his own investing, opened a hedge fund in 2013. After being a regular on another podcast site, he opened his own free podcast site aimed at professional traders and high net worth private investors.

I discovered the site last week and have listened to four or five really good interviews from the archives so far. Each week he interviews one of the more famous personalities in the financial world and then does some Q&A afterwords with his producer. These are really good interviews aimed at people who already understand the basics of investing.

I would like to recommend the site to people, but do not want to step on toes by including a link if it is not acceptable behavior.

Let me know if I should include the URL.


I've seen plenty of posts here that reference material of interest to retirees / early retirees. I think there is a "no promotion" rule, but if you started (or found) a thread on a topic that was covered on the podcast, then gave the gist of what that one instance of the podcast was about, and why it would be of interest here, I doubt it would raise an eyebrow. But now that you've created this thread, it's going to be under the microscope.

This thread should probably be put into "Forum Admin"
I guess I will go out on the limb and if the moderators want to delete my thread then they can and I will apologize.

I don't have any relationship to the podcast other than having messaged with Erik Townsend on the other forum a few years ago and liking to listen to the interviews.

Erik runs a hedge fund, but can only deal with accredited investors, so other than a vague reference to the hedge fund on the podcast there is nothing being sold. The same goes for the guests that he interviews. They may mention their fund, book or research service, but that is it.

The people in the interview are certainly active management types rather than the buy and hold philosophy that most here seem to follow. However, I find it interesting just to listen to them discuss the macro economic trends and to hear them talk about how they do their trading.

One podcast that I would recommend is from July 7 2016 and titled something like "Acredited Investor Academy Episode 1". This is a filler podcast for the holiday and Erik tells his story and how he was taken to the cleaners by the private bankers. I found it very interesting.

Another that I liked was the very first podcast interview with Jim Rogers, who was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund back in the 1970's.

I'm not saying you all should do this kind of investing, but I thought you might be interested in hearing some of the interviews.

The site is called Macro Voices.

Welcome to Macro Voices
Ah, lucrative deals for multi-millionaires only!
The July 21 interview on how high frequency trading works and how brokerage companies sell your orders to companies who skim off a penny here and there to cheat you on your trades was also very interesting.

One thing that I did not realize is that when they process your trade, these companies are only required to do it at a price that existed inside the one second that your trade was processed. They do not have to match you up with some other trade. They can sell to you at the highest prices of the second or buy from you at the lowest price of the second. With the massive transaction volume these days that can be more of a difference than you might think.
Ah, lucrative deals for multi-millionaires only!

Yes, looking at the website it seems for more exotic assets than I care to invest in. I'm pretty much a slice and dice mutual fund/ETF person.

I did note that one of the interviews was with Dr. Gary Shilling. I know him as he was on mega's board of directors. Interesting guy but his predictions are infrequently right. :D
I've always followed the rule that it's OK to recommend something in which I have no financial interest. I've recommended a very good book on downsizing several times here because it was so helpful to me. The podcast you referenced doesn't fit my style, but I'm always interested in suggestions for good financial podcasts.
Before I invest my time in listening to the podcast, I have one question:

Is he willing to place a 10 year bet with Warren Buffet? :cool:

I'll bet the 86 year old Warren Buffet isn't around to collect on a 10 year bet.

Thanks for the links. If I don't get enough financial porn on TV, now I've got a new place to go.

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