Vanguard Managed Retirement Income Funds


Recycles dryer sheets
May 14, 2006
Does anyone know when Vanguard will have those new funds available on their website?
I talked to an annuity guy at VG the other day and he said the end of this month. But I doubt if he is very plugged in. I axed him some basic questions about the funds (we were talking about annuities) and refused to discuss them saying he could not discuss any details of those funds yet .

But it was supposed to be 1/15ish originally and I think close to 1/1 out of the bag.

They're still fiddling with the ER's, content, and the prospectus.

I think the 5% version almost became a 4% version, but never saw anything concrete on that and it seems they're sticking with 5%.

An interesting observation from one of the peanut galleries was that while the 5 and 7% versions are the most discussed, the 3% might be the best of the three. After 4-5 years of capital appreciation, the 3% might pay a higher amount against the original principal value than the 5%, and after 10-12 years, it might outpace the 7% in terms of actual dollar payout. Obviously a lot more volatility/loss risk with it, but it wouldnt have to cough out a big percentage during early year investments that coincided with huge down years...the classic ER albatross of having a major downturn in the early years of ER can decide to not take as much from their investments and control spending, but these funds will spit the money out regardless.
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