Sherlock Holmes


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Jan 8, 2007
The keychain thread has me trying to recall the story and passage in which Holmes feigns being mad by talking about keeping a proper balance in his pants pockets by putting a crown and tuppence in one pocket and five ha'pennies and a sovereign in the other. Or some such. Old Brit coinage is not something i know about. Any of you recall the passage? Dunno why it made an impact on me, but i don't think it's crazy to balance what you have in your pockets, and do think it's crazy to carry anything other than what's absolutely necessary on a keyring.
If you read Conan Doyle recently, you might agree with me that Sherlock had a classic obsessive compulsive personality disorder. Come to think of it, so did Hercule Poirot. Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau, not so much.

But what a great read.
Any of you recall the passage?
It's in "The Adventure of the Dying Detective"
"Now, Watson," said he. "Have you any change in your pocket?"
"Any silver?"
"A good deal."
"How many half-crowns?"
"I have five."
"Ah, too few! Too few! How very unfortunate, Watson! However, such as they are you can put them in your watchpocket. And all the rest of your money in your left trouser pocket. Thank you. It will balance you so much better like that."
This was raving insanity.
I love to read both the Doyle and Christie books. Fun reads that I never seem to solve!!

Holmes did have a little compulsive disorder.
It's in "The Adventure of the Dying Detective"
Wow! Good on you! It's been several decades and wasn't having any luck googling for it - though there sure is a lot about Sherlock Holmes and weight loss!??
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