Steve Jobs Dies

Free To Canoe

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
May 12, 2008
Moncks Corner, SC
Breaking news: Steve Jobs died.
Just heard it on the TV. Wikipedia is already updated but no one else has the news yet. How did they find out?

He has made his mark on civilization.
Pancreatic. A virtual death sentence -- I don't think any form of cancer is deadlier. There's some things all the power and money in the world can't buy. How sad.

Godspeed, Steve.
He was amazing, brilliant, defiant, frustrating, one of a kind. I'm within a couple of months of his age. Not that it's important in the whole scheme of things...just to me. Rest in peace Steve.
I'm sorry to hear it. He sure gave Bill Gates a run for his money.

It's amazing how much pancreatic cancer has been in the news lately. The leader of the Canadian opposition party just died of it, I've heard of two or three others in just the last month. My BIL has it but seems to be doing well on chemo for now.

It's sad to see the great ones go.
It's amazing how much pancreatic cancer has been in the news lately. The leader of the Canadian opposition party just died of it, I've heard of two or three others in just the last month. My BIL has it but seems to be doing well on chemo for now.
Slowly we are getting better about treating most types of cancer. Pancreatic remains a virtual death sentence, with a 5-year survival rate still down around 5%.

They sure don't make many like Steve Jobs.
Pancreatic. A virtual death sentence -- I don't think any form of cancer is deadlier. There's some things all the power and money in the world can't buy. How sad.

Not entirely true. Pancreatic cancer can be cured surgically if detected early. However, it usually is not detected early and by the time it is symptomatic prognosis is very poor.

If detected while surgery is possible, 5 year survival rates of 20% are published. Not great but not a "virtual death sentence".
Saw this. Very sad but thought it would be soon after he recently stepped down again.

My husbands father died at age 55 from pancreatic cancer. After diagnosis he lasted only 2 months. Steve Jobs fought a good fight and lasted far longer than others with this type of cancer. May he RIP.
Pancreatic. A virtual death sentence -- I don't think any form of cancer is deadlier.
Actually, he had a neuroendocrine cancer which can occur in the pancreas (among many other places) but is totally distinct from pancreatic cancer. That's likely why he endured so long after diagnosis.

A classic legend in his own time.
A giant he was. Sorry to see him pass away but the handwriting was on the wall for some time. I've heard tell on TV that his genius was on a par with Edison.
That is so sad.
But he created a company, and more importantly a culture within that company, that will carry his legacy on for a very long time indeed.

I bought my first computer, an Apple II+, in 1980. I've been an Apple computer nerd ever since, and I have practically nothing negative to say about them, but quite a lot of positive feelings.

For a long time, back in the early days, I felt more favorably toward Steve Wozniak, who actually designed and built the Apple I and II (along with various peripherals), but it was Jobs who did the heavy lifting after that.

I worked for a software company in the early 90s that did custom software development for the Macintosh, which led to doing some consulting work for Apple in Cupertino. One of my very good friends still works for Apple as a software engineer.

His death was inevitable of course, but it feels good that he knew so far in advance what his prognosis was, and that he was able to deal with it so well.

Farewell, Steve, and thank you.
I just reread his biography . I had no idea he started Pixar . He was truly a genius and one of a kind . He will be missed !
It's an appropriate time to use one of your Apple products to tell someone that you love them.
Such sad news although I expected it would come along soon after he stepped down.

RIP Steve, you changed the world.
I didn't care too much for Apple products especially Mac since I'm a true die hard fan of IBM PC and Apple product was too much in feminine side of computing and electrics. However, I do like Steve Job and have great respect for him. To me Steve Job is the Apple, the iPad, the iPhone...every single product he had final said in the matter before the production. His shoes will be very hard to fill. RIP Steve.
RIP Steve, you changed the world.

"Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?" -- Steve Jobs to John Sculley, former president of Pepsi, in persuading Sculley to join him at Apple (circa 1983)
For this geek, watching Job' perform his magic at the Macintosh launch, back in 1984 was better than any rock concert, I'd ever been to before or since.

I abandoned Apple products shortly after Jobs was fired from Apple.

I don't think it is possible to overhype his accomplishments.
I don't think it is possible to overhype his accomplishments.
For all the talk and gnashing of teeth about overpaid CEOs these days, Jobs was one of the few who was unquestionably worth every penny. When you think of the value he added for Apple customers, employees and shareholders -- from its near-death 15 years ago to the highest market capitalization out there -- it boggles the mind. Any compensation he got, no matter how massive, was still a drop in the bucket compared to the value he added.
What a great way to go: Working at something he had such enormous passion about until just about the end. That's what I call a wonderful life and death. Lucky man.
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