what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Congrats on your good news bbbamI. I would imagine that having had that diagnosis every time your DH feels "off" your mind runs wild. Remember to keep breathing and enjoy the time you have left.
The past few weeks have been torture.

Today I've been able to exhale.

A little over a month ago, DH had his PSA test. The result was not good as it had nearly doubled (4.3) since his last test in October of last year (2.3). He was immediately put on antibiotics for three weeks, then a week later (May 24th) had his PSA tested again. The increase would have been caused by either inflammation/infection or he still had cancer/cancer had spread. We were afraid the radiation therapy had failed.

Today I finally got the test result....2.2.

It feels so damn good to exhale. :)

What a huge relief. I am so happy for you both! The mental torture of things like this is exhausting. Now go have a margarita (or two) together. :D
Sitting at the sonic in Burnet TX having a Sonic Blast. Great to be in the family's home place.
This turned out to be a busy day. Coincidentally it's my 10th anniversary of ER.

I start out each morning with 30-60 minutes of blogging, and I think I'm hitting my stride on that habit.

The stock market was going nuts, so I sold put options on Berkshire Hathaway. The strike price is below the book value at which Berkshire Hathaway starts buying shares, but I guess nobody shared that info with the people who were buying my put options. I sold few enough that if we were exercised then we'd effectively be rebalancing by buying Berkshire shares.

Next up was a workout.

Four loads of laundry, because our college daughter comes home next week for five days and I won't be able to launder anything until she's gone.

20 minutes of weeding (so that spouse can get in there with the weedwhacker).

A neighbor is finally catching up on her home maintenance. She's planning to paint the exterior, re-sod her yard, re-roof, and go solar water + photovoltaic. I also had some suggestions on insulation and solar-powered attic exhaust fans.

Pizza for lunch, followed shortly afterward by a nap.

Upgraded my desktop PC from 2GB to 4GB of RAM. (Long overdue.) Now I'm hoping to get rid of two 1GB DDR2 PC6400 RAM chips on Craiglslist, although they may be worthless.

Spent two hours troubleshooting a microwave oven. The magnetron, transformer, and capacitor seem OK. The diode rectifier seems OK too, although the reverse-bias voltage is a tad low. If it's not the door switches then I'm outta ideas. I'm going to post to the Appliance Samurai's FixItNow forum to see what I've missed.

Researched our fridge's icemaker, which has stopped making ice. It looks like there are three things that could have broken, and I'll start working on that troubleshooting tomorrow.
I spent a lot of time on the phone this morning: confirmed moving date with moving company and scheduled electricty/phone/cable/ADT shutoff.

Found a prospective tenant for the house.

Ate a sub sandwich for lunch.

Said goodbye to local friends.

Washed the sofa slipcovers by hand in the tub. Those suckers get really heavy when they are saturated with water. It was a good workout.

Helped MIL solve a computer problem.
Nords, congratulation on you ten year ER anniversary! :D

FIREd, how terrific that you found a possible tenant. :)
...I have a trip to the beach at Lake Ontario planned for tomorrow, so I am doing laundry and packing up sunscreen, my bathing suit, and kites. Mr B could care less about the beach [-]"It's just wahtah"[/-] so he will be a bachelor for 2 days.
My friends own jetskis, so maybe just maybe I may try one out close to shore. :D
I'm bringing them 2 cherry tomato plants as a present for having me visit.
UPDATE: I forgot the kites. The jetskis aren't dewinterized and running yet. :( The lake water was brisk :blink:, holding me to only wading in up to my knees.

The 2 cherry tomato plants were very much appreciated. The beefsteak tomato plant I delivered a few weeks ago is kicking butt and taking names. It has 3 tiny little blossoms on it and has become the "darling" of the camp, especially with the kids. :D

I busied myself on the beach while my friends had to make some phone calls to relatives planning to visit this weekend [-]with the multi-day rain forecast from hell[/-]. I hit the weather just right on 2 consecutive weekdays. :angel:

It was a perfect sandcastle building day, however...my imagination ran elsewhere. I pictured the sailing ships of yore, braving the waves and weather of Lake Ontario to deliver goods to remote settlers. Then I imagined an old style navigation chart with all of the neat illustrations drawn around the border and in the waters.

Here is the result.

The footsteps represent the "one that got away" when the beast came ashore. :eek:

And finally, a landlubber in a wench's dress, oblivious to other nefarious sea monsters approaching behind her.

A visual clue to help you imagine the beach surface serving as the "ocean surface."



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Oh, nothing much yesterday. Played around on the computer, watched the weather for the tornado warnings, read a few pages of book and practiced with Lightroom.

Oh, early AM Dr. appt. for a checkup, it seems I still have a pulse.

Called a moving company about moving a heavy piece of furniture from upstairs to downstairs. I'm sure this has never happened to other guys but DW changed her mind.
bbbamI said:
Today I finally got the test result....2.2.

It feels so damn good to exhale. :)

That's great news. My bass player is going through the same stuff as yours.

The better news is this: now you know first-hand that you can expect to get some spurious high readings, so next time hopefully it will be less stressful if he gets a 4 or more.
Thanks DangerMouse and simple girl...:flowers:

That's great news. My bass player is going through the same stuff as yours.

The better news is this: now you know first-hand that you can expect to get some spurious high readings, so next time hopefully it will be less stressful if he gets a 4 or more.
Thanks Al...:flowers:

When the 4.3 result came in, I scoured the internet for information. (I probably should not have done so, but I couldn't help myself). I found very little information on a rising PSA after IMRT. What I did find was vague. 'Bounces' were mentioned, but it seemed the bounces were usually small...no where near the increase DH experienced.

The constant was the seriousness of 'doubling time' of less than one year after treatment.

According to the articles/forums, in most cases, if a PSA went up three consecutive times or the PSA doubled after treatment...the treatment failed and the patient would require more therapy.

Time will tell. ...and yes, if this happens again we'll have more hope that everything is ok. :)
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Called a moving company about moving a heavy piece of furniture from upstairs to downstairs. I'm sure this has never happened to other guys but DW changed her mind.
Changing her mind before you moved it? Unprecedented!
Laundry on the line.
Made large batches of soup and salad.

Eagerly awaiting new dishwasher (Tuesday) and broadband upgrade (Wednesday).
Laundry on the line.
Made large batches of soup and salad.

Eagerly awaiting new dishwasher (Tuesday) and broadband upgrade (Wednesday).

That's great, Khan! Sounds like you accomplished a lot today, and I hope both the dishwasher and broadband add to your quality of life.
My son and I worked on kitchen demolition. New cabinets and counter being installed this week.
Pitchforking paper off my computer desk... not very successfully, either.

Loaded up on raw meat for Monday's BBQ. This time we decided to do the cooking around lunchtime and sample some of it before Monday-night taekwondo.

But the real purpose of the Monday BBQ is to have a full freezer ready for our college daughter's short week here starting Tuesday. Because after she gets off the plane it's going to be surfing, local cuisine, more taekwondo, and catching up on summer movies!
The usual routine meals, newspaper, exercise, surfing net and something additional - went to the movies to watch Snow White and the Huntsman. Loved it. This is how movies based on faerie tales should be like.
I'm sitting here surfing to kill time until I have to call in for jury duty reporting instructions. I received a summons and called in on Friday 6/1 as required. My juror number is 176, the last number of the 2nd grouping (125-176).
I was not called in for this morning, but have to call at 11:15 AM today to see if I have to report this afternoon.

I had a 2 day trip planned for up north, and now have to put that on hold.
FIREd Freebirds do not like being on call for anyone. :mad:

End of rant. ;)
I did a 24-hour Internet fast yesterday. Didn't even allow myself to check the weather forecast, or find out whether that actress in the movie Splice


was the same person who is married to George Stephanopolous.


(It was not.)
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I work at a summer outdoor concert venue (Blossom Music Center Blossom Music Center - Event Venue, Concert Venue - Cuyahoga Falls, OH | Facebook) and last night was the Dave Matthews Band. Usually I'm an usher in the venue pavilion but last night I was lucky enough to be assigned to the wristband booth near the ticket office. I checked tickets for the pit and attached wristbands. It was a gorgeous evening and most of the guests were sober when I saw them. People were happy to hear about this year's $4 draft beer promo, so I got a lot of positive feedback.

We were done after the band came on stage, so we clocked out and then stayed a while to listen to the concert. I left before it was over, beat the usual traffic hassles and made it home in time for Mad Men at 10pm.
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Recently DH power washed the fence. It was about two years overdue for some TLC. Since he is gone on his motorcycle trip out West, I'm staining the fence. I always like to have a project when he is out of town. Boy howdy, this is one heck of a project. I'm a sweaty, dirty girl.

This pic was taken a few days ago. I should have the inside of the fence completely stained by tomorrow.


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Cooking BBQ this afternoon; everything's marinating right now.

I need to go pick another five-gallon bucket of lychee before the tree falls over. I'm already getting tired of them but our daughter should be able to eat about half her weight of them this week.

Hawaii is all aflutter over Tuesday's transit of Venus across the sun, so I dug out our eclipse glasses from 1991. Why, yes. I did save them for over 20 years. Are they giving them away for free anymore?

Recently DH power washed the fence. It was about two years overdue for some TLC. Since he is gone on his motorcycle trip out West, I'm staining the fence. I always like to have a project when he is out of town. Boy howdy, this is one heck of a project. I'm a sweaty, dirty girl.
This pic was taken a few days ago. I should have the inside of the fence completely stained by tomorrow.
This reads like an ad for a PVC fence...
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This reads like an ad for a PVC fence...
Now there's an idea....

Eating bon bons day after day can become so blase'. I have to throw a little labor in the mix to keep it interesting don't ya know..
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