what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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Neat shot of the bear & cub. Not easy to get those!

Last night was the first night of a 4-week low light photography class. Looking forward to the rest of it.
It was a gorgeous day here in CT, so I broke out the roadster, which has seen far too little action this year, and drove with the young wife on the back roads up through the Litchfield Hills to Great Barrington, Mass., where we ate lunch and did a little shopping. It's a very nice town and a beautiful drive to get there. Came back, washed the roadster and put it back in the garage. About to fix up some dinner.
My aunt passed away, pecefully, last Wednesday, the day after celebrating her 92nd birthday at a lawn party on her property... Her entire family was there, an annual event for about 60 people. Healthy and sharp as a tack to the very end, she only stopped playing 18 holes of golf a few years ago... and at age 85, painted her two story farmhouse.
A little while back, she had sent me a box of pictures my own mom had accumulated over the years. About 1500 pictures... as early as the 1860's. DW and I have spent hours in going thru them... a totally awesome experience.
Among the collection, some pics that I had never seen.
My dad and his siblings circa 1909... bottom left.
A pic of DW and I on our 2nd date... senior prom, 1954... Though we played together, and were best friends as far back as 1946... when we we 9 or 10. Married 1958.

Life is good!

Nice pics imoldernu. Sounds like your aunt lived a great life.

My aunt passed away in 2009. She was 97 and also sharp up until the end. I lived in her house a few years while looking after her and my mother who lived together just around the block from me. After my mother's passing earlier this year, I moved into her house so I could get my aunt's old house spruced up and ready to sell. Well by luck, I made a deal to sell her house just today. A guy riding by noticed carpet i had removed from the house and stopped a neighbor to ask if it was going up for sale. So he called and I showed him the house this afternoon and he offered me a cash deal on the spot. Gave me cash earnest money and will get with a lawyer next week to have him handle the closing. He bought the house for his daughter who will attend a nearby community college.

So what a lucky day. He will finish getting the house livable again and save me from any more expense in that area plus avoid realtor cost. Sometimes you get lucky. ;)
Nice pics imoldernu. Sounds like your aunt lived a great life.

My aunt passed away in 2009. She was 97 and also sharp up until the end. I lived in her house a few years while looking after her and my mother who lived together just around the block from me. After my mother's passing earlier this year, I moved into her house so I could get my aunt's old house spruced up and ready to sell. Well by luck, I made a deal to sell her house just today. A guy riding by noticed carpet i had removed from the house and stopped a neighbor to ask if it was going up for sale. So he called and I showed him the house this afternoon and he offered me a cash deal on the spot. Gave me cash earnest money and will get with a lawyer next week to have him handle the closing. He bought the house for his daughter who will attend a nearby community college.

So what a lucky day. He will finish getting the house livable again and save me from any more expense in that area plus avoid realtor cost. Sometimes you get lucky. ;)

Congratulations Dawg! Auntie is clearly looking out for you from the great retirement spot in the sky. :LOL: Good things do happen to good people sometimes....
Well by luck, I made a deal to sell her house just today.

Congrats on selling the house as I am sure that lessens the stress/workload.

I have a contract on my house as of Saturday and will be glad to get it sold - keeping a house really clean/neat can be a pain. My only issue is that I haven't completely decided where I am moving. The tentative plan is to sell/donate all furnishings and only take what will fit in my vehicle with either a hitch cargo carrier or a small enclosed trailer. I am planning to rent for a few months at a time in various locations until I find the right place.
So what a lucky day. He will finish getting the house livable again and save me from any more expense in that area plus avoid realtor cost. Sometimes you get lucky. ;)

That's awesome Dawg!
Congrats on selling the house as I am sure that lessens the stress/workload.

I have a contract on my house as of Saturday and will be glad to get it sold - keeping a house really clean/neat can be a pain. My only issue is that I haven't completely decided where I am moving. The tentative plan is to sell/donate all furnishings and only take what will fit in my vehicle with either a hitch cargo carrier or a small enclosed trailer. I am planning to rent for a few months at a time in various locations until I find the right place.

That's cool too. Didn't you say you may go out west?

Thanks all. I did get lucky. Making a mad push to get a few more things out of there as the buyers would like to close out later in the week if the lawyer can get it done. So will see how soon it gets done. I've never sold anything this fast, but my previous sales were not cash deals either.
That's cool too. Didn't you say you may go out west?

I will probably go west (OR/WA) eventually but may spend my first few homeless months in FL to see if I might want to live there. Another possibility is buying another RV to travel a bit before settling someplace.
Today I saw a couple of bikers in the RV park doing what they always do, bragging about the merits of their rides... :)


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I got the call from "Microsoft Technical Support" about my computer "sending error codes" so I knew immediately what this was about. He further went on about the motherboard sending codes (Huh? That's creative!). I toyed briefly with the idea of keeping him on the line for 20-30 minutes playing the incompetent but decided not to because his heavy accent made him hard to understand, which would have made it more work than it was worth.

So I just said "Sir, I believe that you are inflated with fecal material". Since English is not his native language it took him a few seconds to figure out he had just been insulted and then he hung up.
Took the subway and rail to the LA County Natural History Museum.
We like to take advantage of the “free days”.
Many museums and attractions have a free day each month.
I got the call from "Microsoft Technical Support" about my computer "sending error codes" so I knew immediately what this was about. He further went on about the motherboard sending codes (Huh? That's creative!). I toyed briefly with the idea of keeping him on the line for 20-30 minutes playing the incompetent but decided not to because his heavy accent made him hard to understand, which would have made it more work than it was worth.

So I just said "Sir, I believe that you are inflated with fecal material". Since English is not his native language it took him a few seconds to figure out he had just been insulted and then he hung up.

We've had several of those calls. DH (an IT guy) kept a fellow on the line blasting him with technical questions...the fellow hung up.

Days later I decided to play with the 'rep'. I pretended to be elderly and I was so upset to hear about a virus. I kept him on the line by talking about ailments caused by viruses, and asked him to hold on a few times. After about 20 minutes of torturing him, I told him I just remembered I didn't have a computer.

The last time they called was about 7:30 a.m. :bat:

He understood every word I said right away. But for forum purposes, I told him a horse was inflated with fecal matter and suggested a rather warm destination.
I haven't had a call like that in a couple months; I love playing with them.
I drove my mom to the dentist to get her teeth cleaned and then we went to her bank and then we went to the hardware store and then we dropped some things off at the thrift store and then we went to the liquor store and then we went to the grocery store. I'm glad she she's 79 or she would have really worn me out! :LOL:
My regular skating rink has re opened for the season. Been there three times. Each time I was the only one on the ice, whichwas perfectly smooth. Love the privete rink :)
Sure it won't last long before the instructors show up with their students.

Then camped out at $tarbuck$ for a while, sipping coffe. Mosied on home, continued the hard work of relaxation.
Went to first photography class last night. I'm finding that there is a lot more to it than just pushing a button.

Yes there is!:LOL:

The only productive thing I did today was to go wash my car. I don't use it a lot, but it gets so dirty just sitting in the parking garage!
Went to first photography class last night. I'm finding that there is a lot more to it than just pushing a button.

Indeed! It's yet another one of those fields in which the more one learns the more one realizes how ignorant one really is. Which makes it more fun.

My 2nd low-light photography class is tonight, forecast now is 60% chance of thunderstorms and we'll be at a farm in MD. So we might be taking photos inside a barn.
I went to the dentist to get my implant crown installed, and finally I have my tooth again!! (See? ~~~>> :D)

I am beyond thrilled. It took 10 long months but it is solid, feels completely natural, and it even looks good. :)

Total cost less than $3,450:

$435 bone graft done by oral surgeon
$1800 implant surgery also done by oral surgeon
$14.27 related prescriptions
$1200 crown installed by my dentist
$3449.27 TOTAL

Some people spend more than that on a watch or a ring, but I think my tooth is a lot more valuable than mere bling. Looks better, and useful, too. :D
Indeed! It's yet another one of those fields in which the more one learns the more one realizes how ignorant one really is. Which makes it more fun.

My 2nd low-light photography class is tonight, forecast now is 60% chance of thunderstorms and we'll be at a farm in MD. So we might be taking photos inside a barn.

I agree. I'm stunned how complicated good photography can be. Your low-light class sounds like fun - on Farms, in barns, etc. My instructor stressed in our first class that to him lighting is the most important factor.
I went to the dentist to get my implant crown installed, and finally I have my tooth again!! (See? ~~~>> :D)

Sweet! It's always nicer to be able to chew.

Last night it drizzled a bit at the farm but nothing major. Still haven't finished with processing, one is perhaps going to be a composite of maybe five frames. Anyway, these are a couple. The barn was lighted with a flashlight over a 30-second exposure. The tungsten white balance makes the sky go that deep blue, which I think looks kinda neat.


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