what did you do today? (2008-2015) (closed)

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It's Friday so I went in to the office and helped myself to a free lunch and used one of the firm's conference rooms for a non-work related meeting with some friends. This part time consulting thing is not bad.:cool:
Ended up taking DW to an urgent care place. Her doc gave her a new script and this morning her hands seemed a little red and swollen. She had a few Benedryl and later took an Oatmeal bath. When she called me I knew by her voice it wasn't good. She was covered in what looked like a few thousand welts, poor thing. Off we went, an hour later she had a steroid injection on the way home. I guess she won't be taking that new med.
Up at 5:00 AM as usual, so I had time to wake up slowly with coffee before meeting my running partner at 7:00 AM for a five mile run. Returned for a quick breakfast and shower before heading off to a full day of activity at our Lifelong Learning program - Spanish class, a graduate student piano concerto, Learn to Read Music class, then a walk across campus to be the featured speakers at a breakout session for retiring university staff called "What I Wished I'd Known About Retirement Beforehand." (Our response, as I was joined by DH for this, was to advise that there is as much need to address the non-financial side of retirement as there is the financial side, even though the later gets the lion's share of attention.)

New recipe for dinner: One-Pot Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes Recipe | MyRecipes.com, which turned out great.
Watched the pilot episode of The Grinder on Hulu (pretty funny!), then went upstairs to bed to read for the remainder of the evening. I lasted until 8 PM before falling fast asleep. Slept nine hours, so hoping I'll make it until 9 PM tonight. (Still resetting our internal clocks after a week of going to bed early/getting up early while backpacking in the Grand Canyon)
Two loads of laundry.
Got flu shot and pneumonia shot.

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Ended up taking DW to an urgent care place. Her doc gave her a new script and this morning her hands seemed a little red and swollen. She had a few Benedryl and later took an Oatmeal bath. When she called me I knew by her voice it wasn't good. She was covered in what looked like a few thousand welts, poor thing. Off we went, an hour later she had a steroid injection on the way home. I guess she won't be taking that new med.

Sorry to hear...those steroids are amazing and used for a lot of ailments. DW has COPD and when she can't breathe (well), Dr. prescribes steroids.
Last night, a molar cap fell off while I was flossing. Its face was so worn out that there was a huge hole in the middle. Arghhh! More expenses.

I went to my dentist early this morning. A new cap costs me $800. What do people do if they do not have the money? I guess I am fortunate.

On the way home, my wife wanted to stop by a shopping mall. My SIL had told her of a department store that was turned into a clearance center. An hour later, we left after my wife picked out 4 dresses among the dozen that she tried on. And I waited patiently, and even looked at the dresses that she tried on and gave comments. Honestly, I could not remember the last time I was so nice to her. She is now happy to have new clothes to wear on next week trip to Hawaii, then the cruise after that.

Life is good.
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Ended up taking DW to an urgent care place. Her doc gave her a new script and this morning her hands seemed a little red and swollen. She had a few Benedryl and later took an Oatmeal bath. When she called me I knew by her voice it wasn't good. She was covered in what looked like a few thousand welts, poor thing. Off we went, an hour later she had a steroid injection on the way home. I guess she won't be taking that new med.

Hope she's feeling better. Wasn't her doctors office open that you had to take her to an urgent care place for the steroid injection?
Shopping trips to Staples, pet smart, BJ's, tax office. Staples - stand in line to find out my $5 coupon won't work with on sale flash drive. Pet smart - not a single problem. Bjs - screaming whiny kids as pylons, and somehow lost entire package of paper towels from my cart on way to car. Tax office - people sitting around until I show up at window, then incredible advanced state of faux busy. Two hour nap fixed all of that...
Just got texts from Chase asking about two charges to my Amazon Visa today - one for $0.01 and one for $628. Nope, not me.

Chase denied both charges and thankfully that isn't the card where I have all my auto-pay accounts linked (utility bill, cell phone, etc.). At least I won't have to contact all those folks to change cards when Chase sends me a new one. :p
Last night, a molar cap fell off while I was flossing. Its face was so worn out that there was a huge hole in the middle. Arghhh! More expenses.

I went to my dentist early this morning. A new cap costs me $800. What do people do if they do not have the money? I guess I am fortunate.

I'm in the midst of implant procedure. About six months ago #4 cap fell off, and root canal work below was all that's left. Tooth is now extracted, with graft in place. More to come.
Hope she's feeling better. Wasn't her doctors office open that you had to take her to an urgent care place for the steroid injection?

You know they should have been a little more proactive. She called the nurse yesterday morning and got called back at COB. When she took the bath it was obviously much worse than either of us knew.

It hit me just a while ago, she's still having issues with itching, probably hives too. They had given her an antibiotic also for a sinus infection a few days before. They can cause a rash too, she's had reactions like that before. I don't think she'll be taking any more bactrim either. Really makes me question her DR. and her nurse.
Ended up taking DW to an urgent care place. Her doc gave her a new script and this morning her hands seemed a little red and swollen. She had a few Benedryl and later took an Oatmeal bath. When she called me I knew by her voice it wasn't good. She was covered in what looked like a few thousand welts, poor thing. Off we went, an hour later she had a steroid injection on the way home. I guess she won't be taking that new med.

So sorry to hear about your wife, MRG. DH had something similar happen once and we never traced it to anything specific, like a medication change, and it has never happened again.
I'm in the midst of implant procedure. About six months ago #4 cap fell off, and root canal work below was all that's left. Tooth is now extracted, with graft in place. More to come.

Yes, teeth that had root canal done on will get weakened and dissolved with time. My teeth all have intact root canal, hence still live. I needed a cap on a few of them because their face got all worn out. Dentists said it was bruxism, but I think my diet of fiber over the years was also a big factor.
We took the train into the city last night to hear some 60s type music bands at a club in the Mission District called The Chapel, which is actually a converted mortuary but I guess Chapel has more marketing cache. One band had a belly dancer and an aerial silk act, too. The backdrop was some kind of flowing psychedelic forms that would have made Peter Max proud. It was a fun event - we'll probably go back even though we ended up getting home way past our normal bedtime.

Today will be more sedate - Costco run before the weekend crowds make it crazy busy, $5 Friday specials at Safeway and more errands and household chores.
Taking pictures of the backyard critters.


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Told the boss that I'm quitting work at the end of April. She's jealous. She's 53 and has 6 years to go. I just turned 50. A big day for me.
Good for you, Davis!!! Start that countdown calendar! And put yourself in the Class of 2016 if you haven't already.
Told the boss that I'm quitting work at the end of April. She's jealous. She's 53 and has 6 years to go. I just turned 50. A big day for me.

Made it to our southern home a few days ago, been pulling everything together and trying to adjust from the mid-50s to the low 90s. May have gotten here a little too early. But just got our cable/internet set up earlier today, so no more slightly-faster-than-dialup mobile hotspot.

I went to my dentist early this morning. A new cap costs me $800. What do people do if they do not have the money? I guess I am fortunate.

If I had one I'd show you a picture of our next door neighbor down here. Definitely the poster child of no money/no dental care. He's a great guy, but every time I hang out with him I come back home and immediately brush and floss.
Under 'Keeping it Real' - Spent the entire day in front of my computer researching and booking hotels and activities for a couple of upcoming trips. In my pajamas. :blush:

Finally pulled myself away around 4 PM to shower and get ready to meet my DD for dinner and furniture shopping at IKEA. This necessitated going out in the midst of Friday night rush hour traffic, which was a bit of a forgotten shock to the system. IKEA at least was quiet. Interesting place, though my senses were totally on overload by the time we came out. Although I'm not their target market, I can see the appeal for those that are - my daughter got a large sofa, coffee table, end table and three lamps for under $800.
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DH decided to give me the bad respiratory virus he just had. I felt fine yesterday, did my daily swim and everything. We got our flu shots yesterday. By evening I was wheezing a little but slept well. Today the combo of the flu vaccine yesterday has me wheezing worse and I have the body aches from my immune response to the flu shot (That happened last year). So I will sleep as much as I can and baby myself since I have to play a concert tonight. Bed, water, ibuprofen and albuterol, you are my friends today.

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Almost perfect weather here - finally cooled off so did a long hike out at Torrey Pines up the cliffs and along the beach.

Then a grocery run on the way back to pick up a steak, fresh green beans, potato, and salad works for dinner. Grilled up the steak and green beans and enjoyed a nice wine and quiet dinner with DW.

A beautiful cool sunset and some snuggle time watching TV before heading up to bed.
This morning I loaded up a backpack with some food and water and decided to go on a bit of an epic beach trek. My best "guesstimate" is that I logged about 8 miles total. In all my years of visiting this place I've always felt I never had the TIME to explore like I did today. The beaches go on for miles here (Baja) with nary a soul to be seen - I only encountered people when near a resort and even then the beaches were hardly busy. I saw footprints in the sand that were not mine - but the creators of these sandy dimples were long gone. All sorts of fish were jumping beyond the surf zone with birds dive bombing in an attempt to catch them - I never truly appreciated how masterful pelicans were in the air, despite their rather comic bearing on land. Also saw frigate birds, ospreys, and some that I didn't know. A little dissapointed I didn't find any more baby sea turtles...the cuteness of the one I rescued a few days ago still haunts me. ;) My improved post-ER fitness had me feeling invigorated at the end of this...in previous years this would have WRECKED me. All in all a magical day.

Tomorrow will not be so ambitious...I am not budging from the poolside. I have a backlog on my Kindle I need to dig into. :)


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We have the grandkids for the weekend, yesterday we took them to the circus.
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