Olympics anyone?


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Jan 31, 2008
Olympic games begin Wed Aug 3 and end Sun Aug 21. NBC owns broadcasting rights in the US, hopefully similar time zones (1 hour difference between Rio and NY) will allow us to see more live action. Here's NBC's page on their plans to televise How to watch the 2016 Rio Olympic Games | NBC Olympics . The opening ceremony is Friday, although NBC will show it with a 1 hour delay (to allow announcers to [-]prepare crib notes[/-] add context).
Just let me know when women's beach volleyball is going to be televised:dance:
I have been uninspired about the Olympics for many years. Too much ME for me. The big Q seems to be~ Can Rio get it's act together in time?

Rio get it's act together? That's just not part of the character of that city. :)

Watch the latest episode of "Real Sports" on HBO.
Well, I don't get HBO, no doubt many others here also do not, as it is a premium subscription channel. How does it relate to the Olympics?
Doubt I'll watch much, but some. I enjoy the track and field events. Well, and women's beach volleyball...
Just let me know when women's beach volleyball is going to be televised:dance:

Last games, I accidently happened upon men's beach volleyball...what's with that?
Yeah, DH will definitely be watching women's beach volleyball!

I might follow swimming; my nephew got a silver medal in the 2008 Olympics and a Gold and Silver in 2012 but is on to other pursuits now. We were at his wedding a couple of years ago and there were a ton of young men and women with giant shoulders! I should still recognize some of the names.
I am sure that I will watch some of the events... probably will channel surf between the different channels and hope to come upon something that is interesting...

I do wonder how much of the 'bad' that will happen to the people that are there will be shown... I am sure that they will put on a good show with the competition, but from what I read I would not want to be there live.... also, since sailing is never shown, I do not think we will be seeing all the garbage they will be sailing through...

Kinda sad that what is supposed to be one of the elite sporting events is being (has been) ruined by the ruling class and their money grubbing ways...

Oh, and with the Russians being caught cheating as much as they did and what appears like some are getting away with it I can only imagine what other kind of cheating is going on...
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Love watching women's gymnastics, boxing, and the track and field events.
Not really into it anymore. I still watch soccer despite FIFA but the Olympic committee and the rampant cheating has soured me on the Olympics.
Kinda sad that what is supposed to be one of the elite sporting events is being (has been) ruining by the ruling class and their money grubbing ways...

Yep- true of past Olympics, too. The created jobs are mostly "do you want fries with that" or, in the case of the inhabitants of public housing razed in London, opportunities to volunteer at the Olympics. The majority of buildings put up at great expense never turn out to be as useful as predicted afterwards. Lake Placid may have been an exception; I believe Attica Prison was created from the athletes' housing.
Not really into it anymore. I still watch soccer despite FIFA but the Olympic committee and the rampant cheating has soured me on the Olympics.

I'd have to agree. It almost seems like the Olympics have "jumped the shark". People boycotting because of Zika, Russians banned in many sports, it's just not the same anymore. I used to be a huge, huge fan (especially T&F), but I have soured on it. Which is a crying shame, now that, for the first time, I actually have the time to follow it every day....:(
I've always liked the Olympics, very entertaining to see sports other than baseball, football, basketball...

As with all sports, I don't care who wins either - :)
I haven't watched the Olympics since 1976. But, then, I haven't generally watched television at all since then.
I might watch a little if there's anything interesting on when I sit down to watch tv at night.

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The country vs. country competition appeals to me. For example, I have zero interest in any professional soccer league games, but I like the World Cup and Olympic soccer. Team sports seem to feature that country vs. country aspect more than individual events.

Also, I don't like events that are judged nearly as much as those based on best time, distance, or some other totally clear criteria. So, track & field and swimming, over gymnastics and diving. As a runner, track has a natural appeal to me.

Just my own personal way to view the Olympics.
I'll probably watch a few events but my interest in the summer Olympics has really dropped off. I'm more interested in seeing/hearing how well Rio handles the event.
Watched it as a kid. Jim McKay, up close and personal and all that. Mesmerized. Today, not so much.
Women's beach volleyball should be "extra good" in Rio - :)
Nope, just not very interested anymore.
1) (I hate to admit it but) the end of the Cold War did take some to the drama out of the games for me, and lowered the stakes. Definitely this is an overall "good news" item, but still . . .
2) The steroid stuff is just too much. Clean athletes can hardly compete in many events, and we don't find out until years later that the winners were on the juice.

I don't know why, but the winter games now capture my interest more than the summer games.
I don't know why, but the winter games now capture my interest more than the summer games.

I find this as well. And it isn't just that Canada tends to do better from a medal point of view at the Winter Games.
We'll record the opening and closing ceremonies, and watch them as background noise during dinner when we have nothing to talk about. If I don't want a sport for three years, it seems pretty pointless to feign interest in the fourth year. Meanwhile, international pageantry and national cultural pride are things I find myself interested in all through.
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