What Absent Minded Thing Have You Done Lately?


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Jun 11, 2008
I did something very absent minded.

Today, I entered my credit card info on a site that was not protected. This was for a loadable payment card of a local cab company. The transaction got kicked out, so I'm hoping no harm no foul. But pretty absent minded and a part of me still hopes my cc info isn't now floating around somewhere in cyberspace :facepalm:.
I forget what day it is almost every day, doesn’t really matter, every day is a weekend when your Fired
I forget what day it is almost every day, doesn’t really matter, every day is a weekend when your Fired

I have this reminder on my computer that I set for appointments. Otherwise, I'd lose track of the day of the month and for sure time of appointment.
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I forget what day it is almost every day, doesn’t really matter, every day is a weekend when your Fired

That’s one of the things I love most about being retired . . . forgetting what day it is and the fact that it really doesn’t matter.
My short term memory is getting really bad. I routinely walk into a room and can’t remember what I went in for. Easily distracted by my own thoughts perhaps? Don’t seem to have trouble with intermediate or long-term memory. Well, except for names!
I'm to the point now if I think of something I need to tell someone, I have to say it right away. Otherwise, it will float out my brain just as easily as it drifted in.
My short term memory is getting really bad. I routinely walk into a room and can’t remember what I went in for.

Extremely common, and a source of worry for many as we get older.

It's known as the Doorway Effect. Basically, every time you pass through a portal (a doorway is the most common), you lose whatever thought had been balanced on top of that rickety stack in your brain.

DW and I joke about it all the time, as it happens to everyone.

Maybe my imagination, but I often try to reverse it by going back through the portal I just passed through, hoping the thought will return. That technique works often enough that it's always worth a try.

Why Walking through a Doorway Makes You Forget
Keys are by the door or in DWs purse. But when we drive, they might be in the console since we both hate carrying keys. We often go out without the car so attaching them together does not help.

This week we bought a case of wine at Costco and left it in the car for 2 days because it was not a major stock-up. This has happened before!
I stood my travel mug on the car floor in back seat. When I drove off, it fell onto a black sweater, which dutifully sopped up the coffee.
Yeah, me.
Left my CC in a card reader yesterday. The clerk chased me down.

DW lost her card about a month back. After I ordered new cards, our neighbor found it on the sidewalk (we live on a low/zero traffic street). Then last week, she misplaced it again, so I ordered another set of cards. It happens to be one of those fancy, schmancy metal ones, so I'm contemplating tack welding her card to a railroad spike (as an automotive wheel would be too heavy).

Yeah, we got CRS big time....
Its reassuring to see so many CRS victims. This is like one of those "you are not alone" public service announcements. I will have to remember "The Doorway Effect."
I too have been having short term memory failures; however, my darling wife adds to my problem by asking me to remind her to do things (call someone tomorrow; pay a certain bill by Friday, etc.). So, I have to remember her stuff too? I write this mainly in jest...she does it casually and without really thinking. I think by saying it out loud it's her way of trying to cement the memory in her own head. :)

Lost my credit card when buying gas on a trip from NY to TN 4 weeks ago. After looking for it for 2 weeks, found it on the floor of your mini-van that is usually unlocked. The kicker: A week latter buying gas lost it again, just got the replacement card in the mail yesterday.
I was paying with my cc at Home Depot last week and just completely blanked on my PIN number. And I mean blank. Couldn't even guess.

I stood there and looked at the cashier and she stood there and looked at me. Mexican standoff.

The worst part is I have a common PIN for all my cards.:facepalm:

So, I entered the last four digits of my phone # just for something to do, so I would look like less of an idiot... :angel:

Three times. So, now my card is frozen..:facepalm:

And then I paid with cash and walked away with my head hung low.

And then I had to call the cc company to unfreeze my card.

They told me I had to go online to do it.

I hate Home Depot.

This wouldn't have happened at Lowes. hahahahahaha

I too have been having short term memory failures; however, my darling wife adds to my problem by asking me to remind her to do things (call someone tomorrow; pay a certain bill by Friday, etc.). So, I have to remember her stuff too? I write this mainly in jest...she does it casually and without really thinking. I think by saying it out loud it's her way of trying to cement the memory in her own head. :)


Ha! When my DW asks me to remind her of things, I always respond "sorry, no can do."
The other night just prior to going to bed, I went into the bathroom and applied stick deodorant to my armpits. Weird, never did that in the last 60 years.
My short term memory is getting really bad. I routinely walk into a room and can’t remember what I went in for. Easily distracted by my own thoughts perhaps? Don’t seem to have trouble with intermediate or long-term memory. Well, except for names!

Being doing that since grade school. DM used to call me "the absent minded professor."
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We took a drawer front from a kitchen cabinet to use to match against some kitchen chairs and a table we were shopping for. DW left it somewhere. We spent hours looking for it tracing every step and store we went to. We tried for weeks to order just the drawer front. No luck. $331.00 later we have ordered the entire cabinet again just to get the drawer front.
I misplace my phone, keys and wallet daily.
My watch can signal my phone. And believe me this is very useful!

The keys and wallet/purse - I have a couple of spots I keep those.

The other day a bit after arriving home, my husband was convinced he must have not taken his house keys because he didn't have them with him. We searched and searched around the house for about 15-20 mins.

When I burst out "You idiot!!!" (not too tactful there) because I finally noticed the new stack of mail on the table. He had just brought the mail, ergo he had the house keys.

Sure enough, he got the mail but left the keys hanging in the mailbox lock. He got there just in time too - and it had been a while. A helpful neighbor was getting ready to figure out who owned the box number so that they could get our keys to us.
We had the two dogs groomed a couple days ago. At some point DW asks if the one's outside!
I was paying with my cc at Home Depot last week and just completely blanked on my PIN number. And I mean blank. Couldn't even guess.



That's hilarious! I've done the same in the past, not with my PIN but passcode to open the door for work after vacation. Guess I really wanted to forget about work :cool:.

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