Ug, Dermatologist just found a Melanoma


Recycles dryer sheets
Mar 26, 2008
Well, at 54, and being the typical naive sun worshiper, past bad sun habits have finally caught up with me. Sitting here healing from an 5" incision, after having a melanoma removed from shoulder. The doctor said it was caught very early and is not expecting any complications. Waiting on pins and needles for the pathology report to see if enough margins were taken.

Dr's don't mess around. Now I'm scheduled for skin checks every 3 months, for a couple of years, and considered in the high risk category.

Scared myself straight after reading the dangers of melanomas! Starting a new routine of integrating sunscreen application daily and personally watching all spots closely.

Only wisdom I have to offer after this experience----IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU!
Thank you. I need to schedule a "mole mapping". This was a good nudge.

Hope yours is all much ado about nothing, sounds like you can expect a great outcome. Good luck.
Welcome to the club. I've had two surgeries for melanoma, both caught early so I didn't have to have any other treatment.

It sure grabs your attention doesn't it?
Yes it can happen to anyone. Got a couple of friends who had surgeries for melanoma. Both doing well several years later. I had a squamous cell carcinoma once on my left temple. It got my attention and I'm on a 6 month review with a dermatologist.
Yes, DH was shocked when a tiny freckle on his bicep turned out to be melanoma. He said when the doctor said "melanoma" on the phone, it felt like the air got sucked out of the room. Poor guy started thinking of all the loose ends he needed to tie up before his end...

We're so glad he'd changed PC doctors recently, and his new doc sent him in for a skin cancer screening!

The dermatologist did the shark bite surgery, which was pretty alarming. That was some five years ago, and he's had no recurrence since then.
It did. 2005. I was 48 then. Right shoulder. I have a 5" scar. No lymph nodes affected. It changed the way I think about a lot of things.

Since then, I see my dermotlogist at least once a year. There has been a few smaller melanomas and several squamous cell. I use risk based maintenance approach. If they find nothing, once/year. If they find something, I step it up to 2-4 times a year until they find nothing.
Both my mom and her dad had every type of skin cancer including melanoma but always caught it early. 40 years later died of something else.
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From what I read, you can get melanomas on skin that has never been exposed to the sun.

I just don’t want you to eat yourself up over past sun exposure, because you still could have developed melanoma with little exposure.
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Had melanoma 18 years ago. About a 3-4 inch back scar, but was caught early on.
Have had things removed since then, but no more cancers. Go every 6 months for check ups.
Ironically, I started a thread "In case of Death plan" just a few months ago.
From what I read, you can get melanomas on skin that has never been exposed to the sun.

Yes, that is absolutely correct. Also, many people don't know this, but people that are deficient in Vitamin D have a poorer prognosis when they do get melanoma. So, avoiding all exposure to the sun is not a good idea, even for those that have had melanoma. Boosting vitamin D levels by taking a Vit. D supplement is another option.
My son had a melanoma removed when he was 18! On the back side of his lower arm, not an area that is usually exposed to sun. And he is not a sun worshipper, he is medium skin, not light skinned. Thankfully no further problems for him or his brother or me and his mom. Bad luck?
Sorry to hear about the melanomas. I hate cancer. Almost everyone I know has had some kind of cancer. I have been going to the Dermatologist about 3-4X a year for about 30 years. Always have at least a dozen areas nitrogen burned out and frequently something is cut out (scalp, face, ears, chest, back, and hands for a total of about 15x) mostly with Mohs procedure. I lost count of the numerous efudex treatments and "Blue light" treatments. So far just Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas. No Melanoma yet. Trying to stay on top of this.

From what I read, you can get melanomas on skin that has never been exposed to the sun.

I just don’t want you to eat yourself up over past sun exposure, because you still could have developed melanoma with little exposure.
Foot melanoma is a good example. Very, very dangerous. Also, very important for people of African origin to be on the lookout. Dark skin does not protect you.

My friend had it and his first symptom was a lump in his groin. By then, there was no hope.

Check your feet!!!!
Dermatologist just called, margins were clear. :dance: Time to lather up with sunscreen and go for a celebration bicycle ride.
Dermatologist just called, margins were clear. :dance: Time to lather up with sunscreen and go for a celebration bicycle ride.

Good news!.
I had a "small" melanoma removed in January. Irony is, I never went to a dermatologist until DW noticed a growth on my back. DR say's, that's no big deal, but gave me the full body treatment. Melanoma on the neck, Basal cell on the chest.
Dr's don't mess around. Now I'm scheduled for skin checks every 3 months, for a couple of years, and considered in the high risk category.
On going 3 month check ups for years are SOP for just about anything "they find" wrong. $$$$
Serious stuff here. I went to my dermatologist last Nov and she found one early stage melanoma and two basal cells. All three are thankfully gone and next 3 month checkup was clear. I thought it curious as well that the melanoma was in an area that has little sun exposure. Immediately jumped on DH to schedule a visit since she routinely burnt herself to a crisp over the years...nothing found. Better safe than sorry!
BTDT, got the scar on my back shoulder blade. Actually more like a divot of missing flesh that is skinned over. The incision opened up and so the surgeon's attempt to pull the edges together failed. Should have used real stitches. What do i care if it's on my back and not usually seen?

Mine was caught early, and I was already on regular dermatologist visits. Good thing as that is when it was found, doc was not even sure what it was, but took a sample and came back positive for melanoma. Was on 3 month follow-ups for 1 year, now on the 6 month visits like before. I have had several basal cell and one squamous cell previously removed, so for rest of my life dermatologist and i will have regular visit scheduled.
Guy in our golf league had a melanoma on the roof of his mouth - discovered initially by his dentist. Surgery and recovery were not fun but he is doing well now.
ABCDE guidelines apply

Two bouts of skin cancer here. Moh's surgery on both. No recurrence in 5 years, so derm visits backed down to once per year.

Echoing earlier observations about melanomas appearing in strange places. Armpits, feet, eyeballs, bits... no limits on where it can sprout. Wife of a co-w*rker got a melanoma in a spot guaranteed never to have seen the first minute of sun. There is no such thing as a skin exam that's too invasive.

Early detection is essential, especially for people of color. A brown growth isn't as obvious against a brown background.
My best friend, who has olive skin and tans beautifully, got a melanoma on her leg. She’s fine, but that was a real eye-opener for both of us. I use sunscreen daily but I do love my sun exposure. I go at least once per year for a complete skin exam. So far, so good.
Dermatologist just called, margins were clear. :dance: Time to lather up with sunscreen and go for a celebration bicycle ride.

Wow! No kidding!!

Thanks for sharing the great news. So I guess they don’t have to go fishing for lymph nodes.

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